
From YPPedia

"Michelle" owns the account "Mariko216, and Mariko216 is the account name for the pirate Joelle that plays on the Viridian ocean.

Beginning of Interest in Puzzle Pirates

I first heard about Puzzle Pirates from my student teacher at my elementary school. My student teacher recommended it as a fun puzzle game that was fun and addicting. After the topic of Puzzle Pirates spread throughout the classroom, most kids started to sign up, but I thought that the game didn't look so fun.

Eventually, she forgot about Puzzle Pirates.

But when I saw it again during the summer of 2006, being played by some kids at the local library, I thought, "That looks familiar..." So, I created an account and tried playing the game. At first, I thought it was boring, but after playing it more and more every day, I realized that it was actually fun, and addicting!