Jojofroyo of the Viridian Ocean is a Senior officer in the crew Lords of The Eighth Sea.
He owns a distillery. He opened his stall during the Rum Slump. During the first week of his stall, he experianced great about of success. However, when the Rum Slump begun, his profit margins no longer allowed him to compete on the market. During the Rum Slump he devised many ways to increase the price of Fine Rum, Grog, Swill. His primary plan was to spread rumors of a large blockade to force crews to stock up in Fine Rum for the blockade. But due to a lack of effort by his allies, this ultimatly failed. His next plan also included a form of a fake blockade, but also going to all the island in Viridian Ocean and making a very high market bid on Sugar cane. The results of his attempts have yet to be seen.
He also owns several Ships including but not limited to the sloop Refined Barbel, the War Brig Fatty Tigerfish, and the war frigate The Young Gar.
Alt Crews
He is also currently the captin of Fall's Folly on one of his alts. The crew is slowly growing with jojofroyo at the lead pilliaging almost everyday.
Hunter Alt
Jojofroyo also has a alt on the Hunter Ocean, he is a Senior officer in his crew, which is captined by his heartie Bryce