This is the page where I test my coding before posting it on my pirate's page.
EllieNeo is a pirate on the Midnight Ocean. She joined on August 18th, 2007, and was born on Oyster Island, where she owns a small shack, and got her rat named Alex. When she joined, she was quickly snatched up by the crew Wolf's Dragoons, a very cool and supporting crew. She fit in nicely with the crew, and was soon promoted to pirate, then officer. She is currently undergoing officer training with a few of her senior officers.
In late August, she bought a one-month subscription to the game, and was thrilled to be able to start blacksmithing. Blacksmithing is now her favorite game.
By early September of 2007, Ellie had saved up enough PoE to buy herself a sloop, The Hard-Headed Barbel. She promptly painted her new ship in blue and green, her crew colors. She then moved it to Oyster, where it now sits.
In early October 2007, she bought a dog, and named him Korben, after her dog she had to leave behind with a friend in real life. He is a great dog, but he only likes Ellie, and will growl at just about anyone else. For this reason, when her subscription ran out in mid-month, she put Korben on The Hard-Headed Barbel to guard it. He does a great job.
On November 4th, 2007, Ellie added a roommate to her shack. Her roommate's name is Calicojane, and is a real life friend of Ellie's. As soon as Cali joined, Ellie got her into Wolf's Dragoons and is still helping her learn the ropes.
On November 5th, 2007, Ellie renewed her subscription to the game and is hoping to have it never run out again. She is saving up to buy more pets.
On November 20th, 2007, Ellie bought her first cat, and named him Skye, after her cat she had to leave behind with a friend in real life. Skye now follows Ellie around, while Alex roams her shack. Ellie plans on buying two more cats in the near future.
Ellieneo is an officer in Wolf's Dragoons. She is a grand-master bilger, and holds an incredible bilger trophy. She is also a distinguished sailor, holds the incredible sailor trophy, and is an ocean-wide distinguished swordfighter. Her blacksmithing standing is distinguished, and she also has the incredible blacksmithing trophy. She continues to work on her stats and hopes to master many skills.
- Become senior officer in Wolf's Dragoons.
- Own several ships, seven being the target number.
- Memorize entire Midnight Ocean.
- Achieve the rank of Captain in the Navy.
- Become an ultimate sailor, bilger, and blacksmith.
Ellie only has one ship at this point, a sloop named The Hard-Headed Barbel.
Ellie's favorite sword is her red and white short sword.
Ellie is most comfortable using the rope coils when rumbling.