
From YPPedia



Cupiditas is a Senior Officer Of the Crew Inner Stength. He sails the seas of Hunter, flying the flag Imperial Dragons.


-Ultimate Bilge

-One of the Oldest Members in Zeoforce's Line of crews

-First Mate and possible Succesessor Of Inner Strength


Cupiditas first started to play puzzle pirates in 2006, and quickly Joined into Frozen, but after losing of the game, he quit 3 weeks later. 2 years later, Cupiditas came back better then ever, and joined the crew Hidden Force. As fenny helped him learn the basics, he was befriending several members of the crew, Zeoforce, Flirtalert, Monta, and Privateryno. Cupiditas climbed though the ranks, making it to Senior Officer. 2 weeks after his final promotion, theft broke out in the crew. Cupiditas then recommended to Zeoforce, that the higher ranking officers flee to Fenny's crew, For the Fallen. This crew fell apart in 2 weeks, so Zeoforce Made His current crew, Inner Strength. Cupiditas Joined zeoforce's crew, then shortly after, quit the game, but came back in march of 2009, With all his stats gone. Cupiditas had to start anew, since then, he managed to get Ultimate bilge, and hasnt bothered with anything else.