From YPPedia
Please don't edit this page unless you've informed me what you're doing... if you'd like to buy me something, don't strike it off the list until you've spoken to me about it. Talk page, forum PM, in the topic and in-game are all great places to do that. Thanks!
Absolutely ZOGM vital
Find/Buy @ Jorvik
1750 medium cannonballs(Miquela will provide at-cost large/medium balls, possibly rum.)1000 large cannonballs20 small cannonballs(I can handle SCBs out of pocket.)110 fine rum
F/B In General
One sloop(Got it, at Jorvik. Wrong Bluegill. I christen thee Loud Bang.)One sloop(At Jorvik. Funny Stickleback. Thou Shalt Become Powder, Wad, Regrets.)One sloop(On order at Ye Sunk My Battleship.)One sloop(At Jorvik. Consistant Hake. Gunning Starfish it is!)One war brig(Brilliant Shiner, at Jorvik. Shall become the Sunken Gunner.)50k for the outfit(Ready to be sunk.)25k for the prize cannonballs(PoE is somewhere safe. Don't spend it!)Brawling set:(Shortyjack's gonna take care of this for me. Wheee! ^_^)SF- Drinking
- Rumble
- Rack
- Shelf
- Trunk
Fancy chest
From Minthe/Bia (Closer to event time)
BURD! YEAY!(On the Scarlet Ribbonfish. Petition an OM once I have a winner.)Sink the 50k for the outfit(Quoth Arte, "Buy it yourself.")Rename-a-lames(Mostly.)Turtle- Lump of coal
- Clam shell (Black, like a cannonball)
Lily (Maroon? Black? I think Maroon looks cooler.)
From Pip
Golden ticketses(2!)
Other stuff you can throw at me, if you really wanna
- "Useful" furniture (wardrobes, carousing tables, racks/shelves/trunks, chests, that kinda thing)
- Any material goods worth more than 2500 PoE (Sorry for the cutoff, but it sucks to have to say "CONGRATULATIONS! You win an old slatted crate!")
- Services... avatar art, lessons/teaching, spades partnerships, whatever you wanna offer.
- PoE! Any amount: 5, 50, 500, 50 000, 500 000, a trillion...
Donor List (^_^)
No particular order here!
- Ironguts (two sloops)
- Miquela (at-cost cannonballs)
- Tyr's Own (24 boats, for use during event)
- Shortyjack (the brawling set and a whole load of other furniture prizes)
- Kingpriam (banner art for the event)
- Padore (a conch shell, and some kind words about Brontes)
- Lovelytini (a rumble pit)
- Peeteegee (a tall fetish and a portrait easel)
- Amarylis (a drinking table)
- Keeran (a sloop)
- Jsweetie (some hempy furniture)
- Leradi (1500)
- Squido (25000)
- Themachine/Amarylis (65000)
- Peeteegee (18750)
- Anonymous Donor (10000)
- Anonymous Donor (15000)
- Lovelytini (10000)
- Padore (10000)
- Fyora (30000)
- Qwequeg (50000)
- Jsweetie (1500)
- Keeran (5600)
- Malphas (18000)
- Springheel (50000)
Total: 310 850
How much I still need
136 500 - 136 500 = Prizes are done, baby!
110 000 - 0 = 110 000 PoE still needed for balls/rum