
From YPPedia

The Pregame Show

  • Show up (Every journey begins with a single step.)
  • Visit the forum topic to collect your ship assignment and manifest. (Manifest being the players you'll be working with today.)
  • Visit your assigned war brig and make sure everything's in order. (250 shot and a chart on the charting table.) Collect the chart.
  • Physically check to make sure your logs are functional (As in, are the words which appear on your screen also appearing in your logs?) If not, let Agon know ASAP.
  • At 11:00, start jobbing people on your manifest. I would suggest waiting for them to find you until 11:30 or so, and after 11:30 starting to /w and actively look for people.
  • You can hang out on the loser lounge (Gorgeous Blonde) between 10:30 and 11:40 if you like, but try and be aboard your war brig for 11:40.
  • At 11:45, do a headcount and let Agon know how many you've got aboard over /officer chat.
  • Follow Agon's collapsing directions, if he has any. (This'll make sense at the time.)

First Half

  • Chart, deport, and on Agon's command, sail.
  • PVP another event crew boat with a non-blue might ring. Doesn't matter which one.
  • Meanwhile, find 2-3-4 players to load the guns. Give them orders and set them loose.
  • Grab the nav wheel.
  • Once those players have loaded all 16, fire 'em off (remember, you can fire off both sides of the ship) to get them dirty for the first entrant.
  • In any order you like, call the players and give them gunning orders. I would suggest not letting anyone who helped you load guns to dirty them up go first.
  • After their name has been called, they'll say "Up The Revolution" and enter the gunning puzzle. They cannot enter the puzzle until they've said that phrase.
  • While there is a player gunning, keep everyone aboard your ship silent.
    • They can, however, talk in between gunners.
    • They can also puzzle if they like. (Everything but guns, obviously. If they start spamming out the "X has abandoned" messages, count it the same as talking.)
  • You don't have to be strict about capitalization/spelling/actually saying it. As long as they say *something*, you're set.
  • They can take as long as they need to load all 16.
  • After they're finished, they should exit the puzzle and say "Fire". They must exit the puzzle before saying "Fire".
  • Fire the guns, call the next person. They can start any time after the guns fire.


  • You can do this during the round or afterwards, whatever's easier on you.
  • Open your logs
  • Find the player's "Fire!"
  • Find the final "X has abandoned a puzzle" message before "Fire!"
  • Find the player's "Up The Revolution"
  • Subtract the timestamp on the "Abandoned a puzzle" message from the timestamp on the "Up The Revolution" message. This is their score/time.
    • Remember, we're calculating time, not straight numbers. 1:10 minus 0:50 is 0:20, not 0:60.
  • Let the players know if they've moved on or not after everyone's finished. You can do this in /vessel chat, in /tell, wherever you like.
    • The top three (lowest) times move on, plus anyone who finishes with 3:15 or better.


  • Take a break. No, seriously, stand up and get a drink or something. Staying seated for hours on end isn't good for you.

Second Half (if you're on a contest ship)

  • At the end of the break, go to your assigned War Frigate and make sure the right people are aboard. If they aren't, find them. If you can't, oh well. Their loss.
  • Check to make sure you have cannonballs.
  • Chart (you did pick up the chart from your WB earlier, right?) and deport, then set sail on Agon's command.
  • This is the same as the first round, only with more guns and fewer people.


  • The calculation's the same as it was in the First Half.
  • However, instead of letting the entrants know, /tell Agon the times. You can still let them know if you like, but make sure Agon gets them.
    • Agon will determine the top two times overall. These two move onto the final.

Second Half (if you're on the Loser Lounge/Gorgeous Blonde)

  • Run tournaments. Prizes and tools will be made avaliable to you.
    • Remember to make them local-only!
  • Keep people entertained.
  • Listen to /officer chat. When things sound like they're wrapping up, stop putting up new tournaments. Expect this round to take 30-45 minutes, and space out the tournaments to match.
    • In the case of drinking and swordfighting, throw the mug/sword into the pot pool as well as a trinket. (I'd suggest using the sand dollars for this.)
    • Tdrop and rumble, just use a trinket. (I'd use the hankies for this, since they're a bit more valuable and they don't win a sword/mug.)

Seventh-Inning Stretch

  • Go take another break. Get a snack and gird your loins for the final.

The Final

  • Shepherd any losers onto the Gorgeous Blonde.
    • If they'd like to join the event crew for injuries, they can.
  • Sirpercy (or someone) will explain how the ship works to those present. Follow these instructions. Do not be afraid to /plank.
  • Follow Perky's directions.