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15:25 UTC, 26 March 2025
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Roranor, SO of the crew V-I-M-T-O has been roaming the High seas of the Viridian Ocean for 6 months.

Coming from quite humble beginnings with the crew Thugz n Hustlers to the ranks of Viridian Sailors where he learned his trade under the teutlage of the Officer Auntsally. It is from here that he moved to the rapidly growing Ming's Dynasty (now Viridian Swashbucklers) where he climbed the chain of command reaching the admirable position of Senior Officer in a crew of over 170 pirates.

During his time with "The Dynasty" as he often refers to it, Roranor fell in love with his once tutor and long time good friend Auntsally. They wed in Roranor's Villa on the Isle of Kirin in late February 2006 in the company of their friends and colleagues.

Unfortunately life at the top was frought with problems for the young SO and after a falling out with his captain regarding fundamental crew issues it was decided best to part company. From this point the crew V-I-M-T-O, the Viridian Independant Merchant Trading Organisation, came into existance. Run by Roranor and his wife Auntsally, along with his closest friends Chrismor and Taeliafaerie, the crew he helped found goes from strength to strength.

Where this Pirate will end up in the next 6 months is unknown. All that is known is that no matter where it is he will be always willing to help pirates in need. All you need to do is ask.
