United Pirate Kingdom

From YPPedia
United Pirate Kingdom at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Monarch Kallum of Tropic Plunder
Member crew(s) Tropic Plunder, High and Powerful, Enter the Oblivion, The Old Republic
Dormant or disbanded as of 28 February, 2009
Favicon.png Flag Info

United Pirate Kingdom was a flag on the Midnight Ocean. The flag was founded September 5th, 2008. Its founder is Kallum. It is currently the flag of 4 crews; Tropic Plunder, High and Powerful, Enter the Oblivion and The Old Republic. United Pirate Kingdom is a fast growing flag that is currently seeking new crews.


Alone we are strong, Together we are invincible.

if you want to join or ally with our flag please send a tell to one of our royals!


Kallum is the proud owner of a new distillery.. and needs your help! if all flaggies could take a job at "kallums distillery" on Alpha Island would be most appreciated! you will be payed for your help!