Union of Friends

From YPPedia
Union of Friends at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Monarch None
Member crew(s) The Futuran Knights
Founded 16 April, 2008
dormant as of 3 March, 2012
Favicon.png Flag Info

Union of Friends is a flag on the Viridian Ocean. It was founded April 16, 2008.

Public Statement

Join us so that together we may dominate the ocean with friendliness!

Extended Public Statement

We are a new flag and are seeking crews to join with us. Join us now as I am currently being generous with royalty and titled positions. When we have grown larger, I will be much fussier about this.

*****Primary Aim*****

Our primary aim is to bring friendly crews together under one flag so that we may become powerful and show everyone on the ocean the value and power of friendliness. This will lead to a wholly friendlier ocean, in which people become enthusiastic about the idea of being friendly and kind, and they will hopefully extend this into their real lives, thereby creating a friendlier world for us all to live in.

*****Secondary Aim*****

Our secondary aim is to grow large and powerful, with a variety of crews ranging all the way from green to elite. One day, we will start to acquire islands although at present this is but a distant prospect.

We are too friendly to have enemies as such. If, however, ye be an unfriendly flag or be allied with the notoriously unfriendly Sea Wrath, we will not ally with ye.

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