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Trmntr is the former captain of the crew Figureheads and current captain of the crew Ex-Terminators. He is also formerly king of the flag The Powers that be on the Midnight Ocean and is now king of the Flag Tormentors of Midnight, on the Cerulean Ocean.

Contributions and Achievements


In the beginning

Trmntr started on the Midnight ocean in May 2008 like any other pirate: green. After puzzling for a few hours he came to liking the game intently. After two days of playing off and on he jobbed with a crew named Figureheads under the command of then captain Roff. The crew flew with the flag The Powers That Be under the monarch Oceannight. After a two hour pillage, Roff asked the then green Trmntr if he would like to join the crew.

Little did Trmntr know, Roff, Oceannight, Wahwee, and Peacefulness, had only started the crew and flag a few weeks before. So, being unsubscribed, Trmntr had little to do on board the crew's ships (being a cabin boy and all) so he simply learned the different piracy puzzles. Sailing, Bilging, and Carpentry which were the only ones available to him at the time.

When Trmntr was told that he could subscribe and be promoted beyond cabin boy, he quickly pulled out the credit card and subscribed to become a pirate. A month or so went by, and Trmntr bought his first sloop from his captain, the Gifted Lamprey, and became an officer of the crew.

The Pirate's life

Later, he went on sea monster hunts with all types of different crews, earning pieces of eight, awards, trophies and raising his personal stats. All the while becoming more and more addicted to the game and the pirate community.

Being an officer of the crew, Trmntr was showed the way of battle. Captain Roff had said, "Once you do one battle navigation on a pillage, you will be hooked." Trmntr was hooked big time!

However, a sad day in the history of Trmntr occurred when he helped to fund a Figureheads sea monster hunt. In the process of making some decent PoE for the jobbers and other crew members, the ship suffered critical damage and was sunk. However, in the middle of defending the ship against enemy boarders, Trmntr lost an eye. Now seen on his pirate page, his eye patch shows a badge of honor among pirates and is proof that he was there.

Raising his own stats, becoming better at puzzles, making many friends along the way, Trmntr also rose in his crew rankings to fleet officer. While as fleet officer, he was ordered to run his own pillages and to take care of the crew in the absence of the senior officers and the captain. Trmntr did just that.

As Trmntr continued to raise his stats and gain more ships of various types, he was introduced to the wonderful world of the blockade.

His first blockade was an event blockade. While piloting a sloop, Trmntr was able to command the five other pirates aboard and ended up sending one sloop back to port. A few minutes after that, unfortunately, he also was sent back to port. In the end, his flag were the victors of that event blockade. Trmntr was later promoted to senior officer.

The split of the Figureheads

Once Trmntr was accomplished in all his piracy skills and was comfortable in leading crew pillages as well as running sea monster hunts, Trmntr had to be a witness to the splitting of the crew. Although it had been the desire of Oceannight to start his own crew from the beginning, it still shocked the other members of the Figureheads to hear that their monarch was leaving. Roff and Oceannight had the understanding that it was on good terms and that there were no hard feelings amongst anyone in the crew. The crew split nonetheless. Peacefulness, Roff and Wahwee, being royal members of the flag, then elected Trmntr into the position of Prince of the flag, and Roff it's new monarch. Captain Roff seemed to all but disappear soon thereafter.

Rise to Captain

With Roff missing in action and Trmntr's stats better than the rest of the senior officers in the crew, Peacefulness and Trmntr came to the decision that she would be the new monarch to lead the flag. To take the stress away from her, Trmntr would be the captain, temporarily, until Roff's return. After a few months had passed, the crew received word that in real life Roff had been extremely busy, and hadn't had the time to completely return to the game, so he stayed away. He returned briefly to the crew, was re-elected to captain while Trmntr gladly took the demotion. Soon thereafter, Roff went dormant and Trmntr was given the command slot once more. As captain of the Figureheads, Trmntr started to bring the crew back to life. Beginning with regular pillages, and soon entering every event blockade he could, Trmntr brought the crew from absolute last to a crew that could be challenging to others. Most pirates on the Midnight Ocean have either heard of Trmntr, or know someone who has, because he is known as a friendly and fun-loving individual to most he meets.

When the Cursed Isles were introduced, like any other pirate, Trmntr jumped at the chance to go and see it for himself. Well, he won some, he lost some, as every decent navigator will do, but the ships were not what concerned him. It was the fun and the experience he could share with his crew mates, as well as his hearties who were jobbing with him.

King Trmntr

After the one year anniversary of the crew and flag, Trmntr was faced with a dilemma. Peacefulness had been dormant and was not online as much as she used to be. Turned out to be something in real life affected her ability to log on. Peacefulness and Calita, another senior officer, elected Trmntr to be the next monarch. Now as king, he was supposed to lead the flag, as well as the crew, into a successful time for both. Entering numerous event blockades in the past, Trmntr was always successful, so he decided to simply continue doing what he enjoyed doing. Making allies with other fun-loving crews along the way, Trmntr and the entire crew have so far enjoyed the game, and will continue to enjoy the game so long as they have them.

Current activities

Trmntr owns many vessels on the Midnight Ocean, and will continue to purchase more as the needs for those vessels arise. Houses to show off his wealth are minor at best, but he enjoys having them. Trmntr will continue to pillage, go to the adventurous Cursed Isles, and partake in event blockades as long as there are still pirates sailing the ocean. With the reduction of people on the Midnight ocean, the Sea Monster Hunts in Atlantis, have grown to be much more of a challenge for any battle navigator, so Trmntr returned to those activities as well. Plus, with the introduction of the Haunted Seas adventures into the game, Trmntr tried those out, found them not to his liking, and has since given up on that type. Viking expeditions, Imperial Outposts, Treasure Hauls, Hunting Brigand Kings with the Compasses, are all activities that any pirate should try, and Trmntr has had his share of the wealth from them. If you see him out there, give him a hearty Ahoy, and he'll respond in kind. After all, this game and character were designed with fun in mind.

Future plans

Former Captain Roff, has returned to the Midnight Ocean, as of May, 2010, but has not resumed the role as captain. Instead, with Trmntr leading the crew and flag during his hiatus, he has assumed the role of monarch of the flag, with Trmntr remaining as captain. Peacefulness is a more active member of the crew and flag, and is supportive of both Roff and Trmntr within the crew.

Future plans of the crew and flag, are quite simply, to have fun, make pieces of eight, and make new friends. War, has never been brought to the fore, because the Figureheads are a fun-loving crew and a good bunch of people. They will not actively declare war against any other crew or flag on the ocean, because to the crew, it is pointless to do so. Plus, it goes against their core values of having fun, and maintaining good relations on the ocean of Midnight.

If in the future, close friends to the Figureheads wish to declare war, then perhaps blockade an island anywhere on Midnight, the individuals of the Figureheads will respond as jobbers, and have fun, the way Yo ho ho Puzzle Pirates was meant to be. "If it ain't fun," Trmntr is quoted saying to Roff, "then none of us should be here."

As of January 2011, Trmntr handed the reigns of leadership back over to Captain Roff, who has returned from a 6 month long hiatus and vacation. Under Roff's leadership, the crew will once again be plundering the seas in search of fun, pieces of eight, and anything else they happen to plunder!

As of March 2011, Trmntr returned as captain of the crew of Figureheads, and king of the Powers that Be flag. In June of 2011, the flag was once again bestowed on Roff, to lead the flag to greatness once more, while Trmntr retained the rank of captain. No bad blood between the two pirates, but great friendship and good will to making the crew and flag better for all involved.


As of November 2011, Trmntr is no longer with the crew Figureheads, and also the flag the Powers that Be. Due to problems of a personal nature, Trmntr won't be heading the crew and flag for an undisclosed amount of time. Until then, Trmntr started the crew Ex Terminators, and the flag, Tormentors of Midnight.