
From YPPedia

Treasurecop is a senior officer and trader of the crew Tigers Of Cobalt and king of the flag The Zoo Of Crazy Tigers. He sails the Cobalt Ocean.

Treasurecop's Early Piracy

He joined a crew called It is very dark and only got and never tasted what he wanted, officership, after his sister Islabella got a unexpected tell from a pirate called Luphie. He became a officer and became a senior officer. He was surprised and became a titled member in the flag Animal Kingdom. He became good friends with Luphie. After awhile, Luphie started leaving for awhile and then a pirate named Mumblebee became captain, and he met Luphie's best friend Kabz. When Luphie was gone for a while, he and one of his best friend Dantes made a blacksmith stall on Prolix Purlieu. Right when Shortys gave him some money and helped him buy his first ship. After that he did what made him happy.

Later Piracy

After a while, he started a crew named Tigers Of Cobalt, and got his first mate Drkslayer. Then he made a flag called The Zoo Of Crazy Tigers. Then he and his friend Jackyes made a distilling stall on Cormorant Island. He is now a senior officer in his crew because he un-subscribed and gave it to his sister Islabella. He is still monarch and looking to get a bigger house.

Amazing Achomplishment

He was a officer for a few days then, 1 day when he got fleet officer then, when Luphie heard he got a rare mineral. He became a senior officer.