
From YPPedia

Tofonall is the captain of the crew Bad Company and lord of the flag -Omega's Shadow-. He goes by the nickname of Tofo.


Tofonall began his pirating career on the Hunter Ocean and plans to stay on Hunter until a new ocean is created. He played in his first crew, Bootyqueen's Revenge, for a fair amount of time. Then he joined a different crew, learned how to lead a pillage, and became an officer. He then went on to hop around in many crews where the captain was a greenie and usually became a senior officer in these crews. He didn't get along with most of these captains though as he saw the downside to having greenie captains, and began to lose interest in Y!PP.

Now, Tofonall is the captain of a crew he created himself, Bad Company, and will soon be joining a new flag.

Bad Company

Tofo's crew Bad Company was named after the Band Bad Company, one of Tofo's favorite bands. So Tofo considers the crews theme song bad company. Tofo was only captain for about a month until he quit playing puzzle pirates. Tofo tried to make a comeback in Feburary 2008 but his personall life was very busy and he never had time to play so it didn't work. But Tofo proclaimed on May 10, 2008 he will be makeing a real comeback and Bad Company will rise up again. He says this because he knows he will be geting a laptop and wont have to share his computer with his family and it will be summer and he will never has anything to do in the summer. He also has a friend in a flag the crew will soon be joining.
