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Thunderpirate was a senior officer in the crew The Burning Dreams on the Hunter Ocean. This pirate has been deleted.


Thunderpirat washed up on Aimuari Island. He then went to crew-hop until he found the crew, The Burning Dreams. Pirates usually see him around Aimuari Island docks or on his sloop which was bought on 12 Jan 2008 which is named Well-Behaved Gunnard. This was his first ship.

His favourite hearties were Lariox, the captain of The Burning Dreams, and Deathkid the king of the flag The Black Sea.

Thunderpirat's most hated person in the whole of Hunter Ocean was someone whose name he had forgotten, but Thunderpirat hated him because he didn't allow Thunderpirat to sea monster hunt, acted stuck up and said grand-master above only.

Thunderpirat has two sisters who are twins, namely Exci and Pirateseveny. Both were fleet officers of The Burning Dreams, while Thunderpirat was a senior officer.

Thunderpirat was once a lord of the flag The Black Sea. He was wanting to get a familiar someday. It is not known whether he achieved this goal before his deletion.