
From YPPedia
thieves at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Serpentsword
Senior Officer(s) Lacale, Seapheonix
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Post Mortem
Founded 30 August, 2006
dormant as of 9 December, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info

thieves is a crew on the Viridian Ocean in the flag Post Mortem.

Public Statement

Thieves do not seek fame, nor glory, nor desire to be cruel. Only success awaits us.

Extended Public Statement

okay! here's the rules!

If I find you're lazing for a long time with no explanation, I'll plank ya... If you get booched 3 times with no explanation, I'll plank ya (try to avoid booching, as is lowers the total amout of booty we can get on a pillage)... please send a PTB (permission to board) when ya want to join a pillage... send a brb if you're gonna be right back...

okay, okay, starting off with the rules probably was a lousy thing to do, but, hey, now you can find them easily. if you want to join, send a tell. if you want to be promoted, send a tell. everything else, ask through a tell.

we all like poe and dubloons, so I try to get a lot of pillages in. I also like to help out people just starting, but, trust me, I'll know if you're lying. There will be more befefits to those who take an active participation in the crew.

thank ye all

the captain of the thieves:

serpentsword the trickster

Simple Mako
Stingy Anchovy

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