The Weekly Cobaltian

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The Weekly Cobaltian was a weekly newspaper about the Cobalt Ocean, started by Wlada in March 2006. The newest issue can always be seen here. Wlada has written most articles himself, but some have been written by Charisma (The Death of fun in Cobalt Blockades, issue #7) and Dcyborg (Why Blockade?, issue #9). It has been discontinued for the moment.

Contents of all issues

Issue #10 - 22nd May, 2006 - Labyrinth Moors II: Ascension - Descension?

Issue #9 - 14th May, 2006 - Why blockade?

Issue #8 - 8th May, 2006

Issue #7 - 1st May, 2006 - The Death of fun in Cobalt Blockades

Issue #6 - 24th April, 2006 - The Break-Up of IM

Issue #5 - 16th April, 2006 - The Blockade of Napi Peak

Issue #4 - 9th April, 2006

Issue #3 - 2nd April, 2006 - The Mercenary Flags of Cobalt

Issue #2 - 26th March, 2006 - The History of Terra

Issue #1 - 19th March, 2006 - Renege and Slander: WTF vs. IF - The Top Flags of Cobalt