The Ultimate Vikings

From YPPedia
The Ultimate Vikings at a Glance
Hunter Ocean
Last Captain Vanhaahr
Senior Officer(s) Conji, Ill, Anmia, Drunkn, Aintnosaint, gokdyretmass, Holmsten, Swordfighth
Politics Autocratic
Shares Trader Shares
Flag Affiliation EAC
Founded 22 July, 2008
Disbanded as of 19 May, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-The Ultimate Vikings.jpg

The Ultimate Vikings was a crew that sailed the Hunter Ocean.

Welcome to “the Ultimate Vikings” crew page

The idea of this crew is to gather Scandinavians in one crew!!! And get an eminent fame! The crew is recruiting pirates of all nationalities but you get an advantage for being from either Denmark Norway or Sweden. This crew is for both merchants and Pirates!

The Vikings are ranking their pirates by a self made point system, so no one gets a rank they aren’t worthy of!!!

A few rules that everybody in the crew needs to follow

- As new member you should read the crew info

- No stealing from open vessels.

- No begging

- Don’t enter small vessels at sea with out asking for permission

- Never leave a ship empty at an un colonized island

- Every time ye log on read the crew and flag issues to see if there’s anything ye need to vote on

- In Battle at sea always fight in teams of 2 & 3 and remember to team up during battle

The Ranking system of the Vikings

Pirate--------------- 5 Point

as pirate you’re only task is to pilly and earn some Poe

Officer------------- 25 Point

an officer's task is to lead as many pilly's as possible on some of our many open ships!

Fleet Officer------ 100 Point

the fleet officer's task is to act as an officer but also try to make people join the crew as full members a fleet officer should think about his spending. And save up for future purchase of ships

Senior Officer---- 200 point

The senior officer's are helping the captain leading the crew and they are supposed to gather ship to our great fleet and help the captain control that all pirates have the rank they deserve! The senior officer must also be a helpful pirate and be ready to help any time!!!

Experience Rating…...............................Skill Rating…….

Narrow….……2 Point…………………...Distinguished……1 Point

Broad…............4 Point………………….Respected……….2 Point

Solid…….…….6 Point…………………..Master……….…3 Point

Weighty………8 Point……………………Renowned………4 Point

Expert……….10 Point………………..….Grand Master……5 Point

Paragon……..12 point…………………...Legendary……….6 Point

Illustrious……14 Point……………………Ultimate………….7 Point

Sublime………16 Point

Ye Vessels will be worth………

Sloop……………….. ………………………………………5 Point

Cutter…. ……………………………………………………7 Point

Dhow……………………………………………………….10 Point

Longship…………………………………………..……… 20 Point

Baghlah………………………………………….………....15 Point

Merchant Brig….. ……………………………………….…20 Point

War Brig …………........................................................25 Point

Merchant Galleon………………………………………..30 Point

Xebec………………………………………………………..35 Point

War Frigate…………………………………………….……40 Point

Grand Frigate………………………………………………..50 Point

Other points

Trophies are worth ….……………………………………….1 Point

Being Danish, Swedish, Norwegian……………………….50 Point

Having A Stall…………………………………………………20 Point

Being Employed at the Viking Brewery …………………...10 Point

(With thanks to "The elite pirates of Doom" for the idea)

Other pirates thought's about The Captain Vanhaahr

Duders: Vanhaahr is a great captain and always will be one he is loyal and trustworthy to his crew and always gives them a chance to try harder and keep on going.

Kabit: Vanhaahr is a great captain he never steal or cheats he always plays fair and judges you fair he can be relied on and very helpful he’s one of my greatest friends and he’s a great captain


Danish vikings

The Danish vikings went on raids and trading expeditions down the European coast and to England and Ireland and around the Baltic Sea - the capital of today's Estonia is called Tallinn, which means "Town of the Danes". They sailed down the French coast, around Portugal and Spain and through the Gibraltar Straight into the Mediterranean Sea, and along the Northern coast as far East as Miklagaard (Big City in viking language) or Constantinople, today's Istanbul, the capital of the East Roman empire at the time.

Swedish vikings

The Swedish vikings went around the Baltic region and sailed down the rivers that end in the Baltic Sea, going as far down the Volga River as the Black Sea and Constantinople.

Norwegian vikings

The Norwegian vikings, who mainly came from the area around present day Trondheim, went to Iceland, Greenland, England and Ireland. Leif The Happy led a trip from Brattahlid that went on as far as Wine land, the East coast of today's America, the first Europeans to discover the American continent about four centuries before Christopher Columbus.

The Crew’s Journey

First the crew started as a break out of the Vikings of freedom where Vanhaahr was captain but disliked the crew. The crew was first under its own flag, The Viking alliance where another Viking crew now rules. Later on the crew joined EAC where the old Viking crew resides. And here they will stay as long as the queen Duckling wants them!