The Ocean Stars (defunct)

From YPPedia
The Ocean Stars (defunct) at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Skrutz
Senior Officer(s) Godofpirates, Linoko
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Revolution
Founded 13 May, 2009
merged as of 30 May, 2011
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-The Ocean Stars (defunct).jpg

The Ocean Stars was a crew on Viridian Ocean.

Public Statement

The Ocean Stars, a really cool crew :).

Rank Requirements

  • Cabin person: Most rare, and hardest position to get in crew. Cabin person is also a waiting position until someone makes you pirate or more. If you want to know more about how to get this rank then you will have to tell me.
  • Pirate: You would start as Pirate anyway, so don't worry about that. Just ask an officer
  • Officer: Got a vessel? Come joining as officer! Just a bit more trust and maybe you can get promoted. Get an Officer badge too.
  • Fleet officer: If you have a vessel it would be much easier to become fleet officer. Make friends with the crew, and of course the captain, then you would become Fleet officer.
  • Senior officer: Become one of the captain's best friends and maybe you can be senior officer. If you are really lucky, its hard work to become senior officer.


  1. Restock the ships you are sailing if its not you who own it.
  2. Don't sail other's ship out of Jade (if it is in Jade)
  3. Don't leave in battles. If someone does I want the officer in charge to give -1.
  4. Most important of all: NEVER beat the captain in SF, rumble or any puzzle. And it would be very nice if you bet loads of PoE in the puzzles :).

The rest of the rules I'm sure you will find in the Terms of Service.