The New Legacy

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The New Legacy at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain none
Senior Officer(s) Attractive, Kristey-West
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Dead Man's Legend
Founded 30 June, 2006
Last updated on 18 February, 2012
Favicon.png Crew Info

The New Legacy was founded on February 12, 2006 by Tention on the Sage Ocean. The crew was later left in the hands of Vorend and is now on the Emerald Ocean in the flag Dead Man's Legend.

Public Statement

Ahoy, mateys! Join our crew, earn some booty, and have fun!

Extended Public Statement Ahoy! Want to join our crew? Ask any available officer so that ye may join. Don't forget to thank them and the Captain! Requirements for promotions:

Cabin: Any stats.

Pirate : Must have 2 or more narrows.

Officer : Have 2 or more solids, and must be experienced in battle navigtion (able and so on)

Fleet Officer : Must be trusted by the Captain, show they are responsible, and have at least 3 solids, and 1 weighty.

Senior Officer: To be a Senior Officer, you MUST be trusted by the Captain and all the other Senior Officers. You have to be extremely resposible with the crew and our vessels, show respect AND authority to the crew. Also, ye must be an experienced battle navigator and have good stats.

Captain: Argh, ye didn't really think it was that easy, right? This position is not available to anyone else!

In this crew, we like to have fun, and we LOVE to fight and WIN.

So join our crew, have fun, and let's dominate those seas!

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