The Incendium

From YPPedia
The Incendium at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Loggy
Senior Officer(s) Dancefreak, Maxfoster, Caplim, Seigi
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation La Dolce Vita
Disbanded as of 22 August, 2007

The Incendium was a crew that sailed the Viridian Ocean. The crew flew the flag of La Dolce Vita.


The Incendium was founded by Loggy and Maxfoster around July of 2006.

By August of 2007 the crew had disbanded.


  1. Maxfoster
  2. Loggy

Public Statement

Ahoy! Want to know what The Incendium means? You don't? Well I be tellin' ye anyways. It means The Blaze or The Fire. We be a new and friendly crew, willing to accept anyone into our cause, if ye be a landlubber or a experienced pirate. If ye would like to join as a full member please ask. Do not swear or 'dis' anyone; ye may be planked if ye do not apologise.

Do NOT leave a ship during combat or ye will have -1 share in yer booty. Ye will still get paid even if you leave the ship during a voyage as long as the ship is not in a Sea Battle.

So... errm... that's all I have to say and, well, have fun!

-Loggy, Cap'n and Scapegoat of the Incendium

Promotion Requirements

  • Cabin Person: Just ask
  • Pirate: Have 1 Narrow or 2 Aprrentice statistics in a Piracy Puzzle
  • Officer: Have an officer badge, have all Piracy stats too broad and distinguished or higher in Battle Navigation ( I will allow Narrow for Dnav and Bnav)
  • Fleet Officer: Have all piracy stats too Solid Also have Respected or higher in battle navigation.
  • Senior Officer: Be completely loyal to the crew and be just plain good (and have very good stats). Earnt alot of trust.
  • Captain: Don't even bother, ye won't get the place anyway. =-)

These are very light rulings and many crews want you to have something like a couple of Broads to be a Pirate, so be thankful you have such a nice Captain. =-)

To be an Officer or higher then ye will have to pass a test on a voyage. Also, do not ask to be an Officer the minute ye board a ship, saying that ye have "the correct stats". Ye need to be trusted first and have permission from the Captain.