The Dragon Riders

From YPPedia
The Dragon Riders at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Motheralph
Senior Officer(s) Icedamond
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Officer Club
Flag Affiliation Adam and Eve
Founded 25 May, 2005
Dormant as of 16 January, 2011
Favicon.png Crew Info

The Dragon Riders is a crew that sails the Viridian Ocean based on Sakejima Island. The crew currently flies the flag of Adam and Eve.


The Dragon Riders was founded by Motheralph on 25 May, 2006. The crew's base of operations was on Sakejima Island in the Jade Archipelago.

Public Statement

We are now an established crew in our own right - we would like to invite all worthy pirates to join our crew and find out what fun a pirate CAN have with the right crew-We are big on friendship and loyalty but believe in running a tight ship- so be ready! ...and all of ye who don't join us- be even more ready!

Promotion Requirements

  • Cabin person: Just ask an officer or above!
  • Pirate: Must have at least 1 broad, must prove that they can obey orders, be recommended by an officer or above, and must have the badge.
  • Officer In Training: After a pirate has 3 broads in piracy skills, that is, he or she can request to be promoted to midshipman which is officer in training.This is how you get the permission to navigate from an officer and you should be able to navigate in the navy once you get this rank.
  • Officer: Once the midshipman has a broad rating in BOTH navs (Navigating and Battle Navigating), he/she may request to be given the officer test by any of the Officers and above.
  • All ranks above officer are given by captain's discretion. Senior officers can recommend Officers for the Fleet officer position after the Officer has held that position for 4-6 months and remains in good standing.

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