The By-laws of The Ruby Ring

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The By-laws of The Ruby Ring were fictional clauses of legislation created by Zebulan during the Scallywag War as part of the ongoing debates between the two sides in the forum. Following the successful capture of Jorvik Island by Scallywag Syndicate, Jacktheblack expressed a tongue-in-cheek request to join the Ruby Ring alliance as his flag was now held an island in the ruby archipelago. Zebulan's response was an equally tongue in cheek post about "The By-laws of The Ruby Ring" and their impact upon Jacktheblack's request.[1]

The By-laws

The By-laws of The Ruby Ring

Section 1, Article 3:

The Flags of the Ruby Ring shall jointly protect the islands of the Ruby Archipalego against All Comers.

Article 4:

All Comers includes, but is not exclusive to: Any flag that lays a war chest upon at least one of the islands Jorvik, Eta, Luthien, or Cranberry.

Section 42, Article i:

If any member flag of the Ruby Ring shall serve tea and crumpets on an odd numbered date between the 4th and 7th hour of daylight to at least one person from each member flag, that flag will be rewarded with an additional super-magic-happiness token.

Section 1, Article 1:

Super-magic-happiness tokens may be redeemed by a member flag for the purposes of retaking an island previously held by that member flag, but lost through the less than successful efforts of the Ruby Ring. One super-magic-happiness token is redeemable for one retaking.

Section 1, Article 2:

Super-magic-happiness tokens overide all other commitments, by-laws, and mealtimes.

Minutes of the Bicentennial Meeting of the Ruby Ring Council - 2/29/05: hour 6 of daylight.

Note that the flag Looterati has distributed tea and crumpets to all attendees, and based upon attendance this fullfils the requirements for super-magic-happiness token awarding. Let it be known to all that the Looterati have been awarded an additional super-magic-happiness token.

Redeemed by Looterati on 4/11/05:
