
From YPPedia

Flag Title

Icon royalty.png Princess

Teyah's Trinkets
Prestigious Naval Medal
Admiral Finius
Item box unequip.png
Colors-trinket-Prestigious naval medal.png
Silk Handkerchief
Widow Queen
Item box unequip.png
Colors-trinket-Silk handkerchief.png
Sand Dollar - present from cappy! (Dokkey) :D
Item box unequip.png
Trinket-Sand dollar.png
Teyah's Pet
Item box unequip.png
Pets-Cat colors.png

Teyah started in the Hunter Ocean and joined Black Widdows as a pirate and was promoted to officer. After that she joined Sea Sharks and became an officer, being promoted to senior officer not long after that. Then, she joined MR GANDERZ as first mate. The captain of MR GANDERZ was originally a senior officer of Sea Sharks.

She felt something wrong about being in THE GANDERZ. So, she left the crew and pillaged with Hysteria. At the end of the voyage, she was offered to join the crew. She accepted and to her surprise, she was promoted to officer as soon as she joined.After a week being in Hysteria, she knew that she was not needed there and asked if she would be accepted in Pirates of Death.

The captain of Pirates of Death was Dokkey (a good hearty of hers), who welcomed her with open arms. Within the first minute in Pirates of Death she was gifted the rank 'officer'. She enjoyed being in Pirates of Death and pillaged a lot. This lass advanced through ranks as she participated in a lot of elite pillages. In less than two weeks, Dokkey promoted her to senior officer.

She stayed in the crew Pirates of Death from February 2007 until now. Her captain started her own flag, Eternal Nexus on March 2007. Teyah was appointed as princess of Eternal Nexus.

She has a bad habit of wasting PoE in poker.


Teyah helped win the following blockade:

Ranks achieved


  • Officer of Black Widdows
  • Officer of Sea Sharks
  • Senior officer and carpenter of Sea Sharks
  • Senior officer and first mate of THE GANDERZ
  • Officer of Hysteria
  • Senior officer and treasurer of Pirates of Death
