Talk:Psychopathic Armada
Ok here are the stories.
[hide]Bugsbunny's Story
This is Bugs. To those that did not know, i'll tell what really went on. The above appears to look like Moshu worked to grow our crew getting all of our members which is totaly false. When Moshu made his crew, he had the dubs to as I wanted ships and he wanted a crew. I left my crew to help him. As a member I made the following achievments: 1: Pillaged and raised the fame of the crew 2: Brought in Members 3: Brought in senior members such as Swordofmia (Yes, I RECRUTED HIM) who later turned loyal to Moshu, Maquis (a greenie i met on the docks) stood by me all the way. 4: I re-hired Swanseajack and Agostino after they left the crew, disappointed at what was happening 5: Neapaul and Roule were my recrutes, indirectly: I hired Zyanede, a long time friend who later asked me to bring in her boyfriend: Roule who also hired his brother Neapaul. 6: I trained many of the officers there
Also some of the above information is false but I will leave it there for peopl to make thier own judgements. Here are the problems:
1: Moshu was rarely around and left me to basicly run the crew 2: Destionationa was nuetral and only wanted what was best for the crew 3: I gave Moshu the idea of a crew as I was going to start my own eventually 4: Maquis never did anything bad, but was left out by the crew 5: Agostino didn't like Maquis but was still friends with me, making him nuetral towards Maquis 6: After Roule entered the crew, he started making it appear as if he and his brother owned the crew and made the others self-esteem go down
After all that, I was expected to leave my ambitions of my own crew, when I was running one and had no credit for it? I don't think so. I left and that crew fell apart. Not because of the members that followed me, but because there was a glue holding the crew together and it left. The crew started with me joning and ended with me leaving.
Make your own thoughts on the above.
I am now forever loyal to Izboomboom and his crew. Nothing will change that.
Bugsbunny Senior Officer and Tactitian of the crew Square Riggers Lord of the flag Nautical Warlords
Agostino's Story
My Side Of The Story.
Well what Bugsbunny said was true however it wasnt just him that did all the things to make PA a Great Crew. its was others
Maquis - Didnt Trust him From day one, Stole from the coffers (Paid it Back) and when bugsbunny wasnt around he was totally differant, he wouldnt follow orders etc.
all in all i think i was relatively at peace with everyone, tho i didnt get on with nea or roule.
If i had to say who made this crew go downhill is was neapaul's lust for power, Bugsbunny becoming too powerful, maquis just making the situation worse by stealing, disobeying etc.
Think what you Want
Agostino Former Captain Of The Killer Kings
Swanseajack's Story
Seems like everyone has had a go at telling the story so i (swanseajack) will tell more. Right then, Agostino was right about bugs being bigheaded but he is wrong about not many people contributing to the crew, well he is wrong. there was actually a lot of pirates in the crew who all helped and kept on playing which was great, everyone helped in their own way until moshu went inactive, once that had happened bugs left and many followed to get out of the mess which was unfolding.
Voice of Swanseajack Senior Officer and First Mate of The Killer Kings
Bugsbunny's Story Part 2
Bugs again. I was not trying to be bigheaded but if you think about it, when I joined the crew grew, I left it fell. When I left so did others. Those others were people who contributed but were never recognised (Agostino and Swan). As i said earlier, Roule made it look like only he, Paul and Moshu matered. Others that helped the crew were Ophe.
Also at one point Moshu stated his crew didn't need me. Another reason I left. Today, truthfully, I don't care what happens to the crew because as Moshu said to me back then "we didn't need you" and as I have my friends with me (Maquis, Agost and Swan), there is nothing more to do with this crew. Trust me, it will never go higher than what it was back then: "Sailors of Renowned Fame". One reason is, a good crew needs a good captain. Look at crews such as Crown of Thorn, Square Riggers, Sea Wrath: All had captains loyal to thier crew like Moshu, but also captains who actually came on, had a set lot of rules and ran thier crews properly.
Ps. If this crew joins my enemies, I will hunt them ;D none of the can stop me!
Roule's Story
First off let me say to Bugsbunny, yes you were a major contributer to the PA, but you weren't that great of a leader. The main contribution you made was bringing your ships into the crew, otherwise there really wasn't that much you did. Yes I was a newer member to the crew thanks to Zyanede, that gives you no reason to say that I wasn't better than you at pillaging or really anything Puzzle Pirates related. You also failed to mention the fact that you hacked Swordofmia's account and Neapol's account then took them for everything they had. I can't prove it and don't want to, just wanted to get that out in the open. Back to my story, I joined in the summer of 2007, started off as a cabin person. I worked my way up as did my brother Neapol to Senior Officer. I remember the first time I led a pillage, Swanseajack was my trainer, I unknowingly attacked Admiral Finius which you all know captains a Grand Frigate, but anyway I attacked him in a brig and suffered a tremendous loss, but I will never forget Swanseajack's words before the battle broke out. "Roule, you're a very brave man". I was very loyal to the crew all the way to the end when the conspiracy issues came up of me stealing coffers from the ships, which is totally false. I never stole even 1 poe from the crew. That is when the crew split up into teams. For reasons of trust the captain (Itsmemoshu) took my side, as did Neapol, Des, and Swordy. Thats about the time I went inactive, because I was tired of Bugs's lies. Also the crew was falling apart, thankfully Bugs decided to leave and take his traitors with him, but I roule am still a faithfull member of the PA. Not as Roule, but as Swansen. So if you feel the need to join a once successful crew, which is on the rise once more contact Swansen, Neapol, Itsmemoshu, or just type /cwho Pyschopathic Armada, see who is online and contact them. We will rise above the Square Riggers of the Riddle Makers no matter how large of a nation they may be. And that mateys is the story of Roule, and his last testimate to the cheating way of Bugsbunny.
P.S. Bugs, I never thought I was better than anyone in the crew with the exception of you that is. We all had good times but I remember none with you.
itsmemoshu's story
i am moshu here to shed some light the second member in the crew was realone followed by juggalo manic and others but real one tryed to take my job and and boss the crew he was kicked now when i left for months in november was because of disclosed reasons but neapaul and his gang were the loyal ones maquis has always been a bad seed Agostino i thought hed be more loyal same with swansea but i know why they did it today the pyschopathic armada is alive and well i regret saying maq was a bad see that was my bad maquis just had misguided anger i never demoted him
are still loyal to the PA altho split up one day i hope the gang can be back together minus bugs and maquis of course i feel like bugs betrayed me one of my best friends he left once before with half my crew then merged back later along time later now i have givin neapaul des sword all medels for being brave and strong in my absense they are the most loyal crew memebers ever in the PA i miss them all
Bugsbunny's Story Part 3
Cheating is against the rules of the game. To me, anyone who cheats should be banned. I have NEVER gone to the lengths of cheating. I know many people who have and have ended up being banned by me. I have even done this to my own freinds because I do not find it fair that those who play fairly should be banned. Being acused of something you haven't done is just as bad. Hacking is cheating, and I have and will never associate myself with anyone who does or knows how to hack. Roule has acused me above and says he has no proof, but why is that the two players he mentioned still play today or have recently retired AFTER the dates he accused me on? Beucase he wants to lie to cover his and the rest of his crews tracks... As for me not being a major contributor...thats not for me to say anything on as it will be bais. But I will say this: Without me Moshu would never have figured out how to CREATE a flag...without me Moshu wouldn't have gotten half his members. And frankly, i'm done with this crew, flag and all of its associates. Those who are still freinds with me, I am freinds with them for a reason. Those who aren't I don't like.
PA has begun a 4th time now. I'd like to see it succeed without its major members. And to Roule/Swansen: He said it was thanks to Zyanede he joined...who recruted Zyan? ME. And if he wants to rise above me...go ahead. If you want to crush me...go ahead and try. War declare me...I dare you. Go ahead and try to sink all my ships if you really hate me that much, because i'm sure when you go down we'll all know who was telling the truth.
Swordofmia's Story
Wow, I never noticed this page. So much history, for one thing. Brings back memories of the good ole days when YPP was serious business. This page is pretty much a testament to said claim.
Well, from my perspective, PA was a time of happiness and sadness. From the humble beginnings, we were a small ragtag band of enthusiastic privateers with immense aspirations. However, things just started falling apart.
I quoth from Roule "hacked Swordofmia's account and Neapol's account then took them for everything they had."
I have no recollection of this event. Had this occurred, why am I still holding the deeds to my ships? However, SOMEONE, and I'm not sure who, did steal all the stuff in my house and sold it. I recall it was Neapaul or Moushu who stated that they though I was "not going to come back". Well here I am, back, and now I'm slightly ticked off at their lack of self control. Sorry guys, but when I came back, it was my old members that betrayed me, and our "enemy" that put me back on my feet and gave me a position of power. That says something about who's right and who's wrong.
Well, to end this page of anger and controversy, I propose we all just meet up somewhere nice, in-game (or here), and chat about this. It's been years now, and hopefully we have become more mature about stuff like these. After all, it is just a game, right?
Senior Officer of the Eternal Death Wish
Quiet Merchant, Landlubber, and Profiteer
Neapaul's Side
7/23/2013 Well well well, this is an old treasure trove of nostalgia now isn't it? I can't exactly remember what all happened but here's what I can tell you, the fighting began because Maquis was stealing from the unlocked ships and I caught him, when I brought this to Bugsbunnys attention he said it was fine, I then went to Moushu just to make sure it was all good and he wanted to check the records, by the time we got to the ships that were stolen from Bugsbunny and Maquis had put in and removed money/stock nearly a hundred times in one day to flush the evidence of his theft, this is what started the fights, a lack of trust because of that incident and everyone took sides without ever knowing what really happened, if I recall he stole less than 2k.
Swordofmia, I did take your stuff from our manor (that we bought together) but if you remember I was the actual owner because I put in the dubs, you were a roommate although you put in all the poe, here is what happened, I was low on money and needed some to fund my shipwright stall, I decided to sell the manor as you and Moushu were dormant and had been for half a year, I went through the house removing all the furniture and as the game is programmed to do all of your stuff went to you and all of mine to me, but heres where it gets unfortunate, because I removed the furniture all of the clothes in the wardrobes went to me, you can check for yourself thats what happens when you remove another persons wardrobe from a house, I didn't have a wardrobe and I did not sell your clothes they all dusted with time as I had nowhere to put them. I know you had important stuff in there such as your Navy rewards and I am sorry those are lost but we can get together sometime and I will buy you an outfit, look me up in game, Moushu, Hayleycakes/emodevil/treasurey and I all still play daily.
To close my statement I would just like to say it was fun playing with you all, I look back on it and miss it dearly, we have lost everyone now, Swanseajack, Bugs, Roule, Dest, Ashmash, Zionede, Foshizzle, maquis, and Swordofmia appears to only get on once or so a month, if you guys have alts you play on hit me up some time, I am still Neapaul and I am an FO in Impel Down at the moment. Oh, and for those who knew him well, Roule/Swansen, my brother, died in a car accident in July of 2012.