Talk:Event E2/Proposal RhiannonS
Unfortunately there was an event very similar to this that was part of the Nu Casino Day of Events. The only difference being that event only allowed sloops. But I think your event can be reworked in a way that makes it stand apart more. Here are some suggestions (just things I’m tossing out): What if instead of just a capture the flag for points thing, each flag had to complete some obstacle as well? I think there are a lot of interesting things you could make a flag do on a blockade board. Perhaps making them sink some number of ships or one from each opponent flag? Making each round something different might also distinguish it a bit more. I know Fandango has done at least one event via a blockade board, but for the life of me I can't remember what they were. If I can find it I'll PM ya. --Peanutswench 15:14, 18 January 2006 (PST)
To add to Nut's suggestions, I like the idea to make sinking meaningful. Perhaps have points from flags matter, and have each flag lose points for each of its ships that is sunk (or disabled, if you make it a non-sinking event).--Squashbuckle 21:06, 18 January 2006 (PST)
Mentor Questions
First Question : Would the devs open an island for this ?--RhiannonS 19:10, 11 February 2006 (PST)
- Blockade fees can be returned, no worries there! Any profits made please either put into prizes or return to the OM's.
- You'll have to be very careful of alliances, those can really screw things up.
- Interesting thought with having the places count rather than the points, that works to encourage them to work together (or not) as they see fit, adding the social aspect is always interesting.
- I assume there's a limit to how many ships they can field at once because of the bnaver limit? Just a thought, if there were a way to limit the numbers of people they had on their side instead you could see how well they deploy their fleet as well.
- Why not have any cutters? I'd almost rather see more of the smaller ships than larger, if you limit the big ones you force them to choose their strategy better, you also won't have as much of a problem with the huge ships having such large attack areas that no one gets points. Of course, that's also a valid strategy...
- I do like this event, I think you'll have problems with the alliances and probably have some issues with some flags being able to hire many more jobbers than others. Perhaps limit the number of ships they can have out based on the ship sizes instead? So they could have 1 WF or 5 cutters, for example. (Just a thought!)
- I'm not sure how you want to give out prizes, I assume that you want to give everyone something who participated on the winning flag? How are you going to make sure people don't just all take jobs with the team doing the team who happens to be doing the best at the moment, giving the best more jobbers and manpower and probably assuring that they win?
- Trinkets are probably going to be a bit much for this, how will you make sure all the winners were around from the beginning? I'd recommend something which you can manage, I'm not going to ask an OM to be responsible for distributing trinkets to 50+ people! I'd have to consider the island idea, essentially this would count as a structured blockade for a new island. I think I'd prefer to hold off on deciding until rules are finalized.
--Artemis 12:36, 14 February 2006 (PST)
Ok. I think this event could be good, but needs some tightening up.
- Why do you have to limit the battle navvers? Is there some reason that a flag can't use more than 5 navvers over the course of the blockade? Even if the number navving at the time is limited, I'm not sure I see why they have to be named in advance. If a flag has 10 excellent navvers sharing 5 navver spots, I'm not sure what's so wrong with that. In addition, lag and disconnects happen in blockades, and I don't see a problem with having a back-up navver able to take over without being disqualified.
- If you are expecting up to 5 ships at a time, and 4-8 flags taking part, then I would be surprised if many points at all are scored - 20 frigates on a board will pretty much cancel everything out! Could you consider limiting the ships to a lower number, or to smaller ships perhaps? Or even not making "see how many jobbers you get" an issue, and limiting how many people you can use in total, as Artemis suggests.
- If you're recommending people not to pay their jobbers... essentially, the flags who want to win at all cost will pay their jobbers despite the recommendation, and the more obedient flags won't, thus disadvantaging themselves in the event. This is counteracted by limiting the total number of people involved.
- 25k is a huge entry fee. Given that you will be able to get refunds on the war chest, I think this should be free entry.
- You mention dropping all alliances (and you're right - if they don't, it can be a nightmare!). You don't mention dropping all declared or full war. That could mean that points aren't scored for defence after all. This is not a serious flaw, though, because you can pre-agree with the OMs that whatever the score, the island will be returned to the original owners at the end of the blockade. I am actually quite concerned that you are asking for alliances to be dropped, although I understand the reason. If there are other blockades the same weekend, though, it could seriously restrict people's ability to take part. As one possibility, could you include the suggestion that people are allowed to create alt flags for this event if they want to avoid breaking alliances? Then just the deeds to ships need to be transferred across.
- Another approach to the alliance / real blockade problem is to hold the blockade midweek instead of weekend. That should give active flags the time to re-establish their alliances before the real blockade window opens. The OMs are able to adjust the blockade window for an event blockade. This does raise time-zone-access issues, I know.
- You say "points structure would be based on the number of flag participants". I have no idea what this means. The points structure you describe is based on the finishing position at the end of each round, and I don't see where the participants come in.
- Are the judges also going to count the ships used to ensure not just that there aren't too many on the board at once, but also that not too many are used in total? Could be a tough challenge to keep on top of that counting!
- 20WF and 20WB. It's quite a lot... Again, if you go with maximum people as the limit, rather than ships, and let them fill ships as they see fit, I think the tactics would be more interesting.
- You could have 250 or more people in each team. I don't think that trinkets will be given to that many people. (actually Artemis already said that). Sorry, working from my notes here!
- I'm not sure what the solution to prizes is. You don't really want people rushing to join the winning side in hopes of winning a bit... I think the prize has to be something of a memento. Maybe it has to be something given to the winning flag's monarch? A fancy ribbon and a display case that can go somewhere nice and public (like the inn on the island) saying that they won? To be honest, with an event like this, the award is winning itself. I can't think of very good meaningful prizes.
- I agree that sinking would make it more interesting, but I think to get participation, you would have to reduce the ship numbers, or YOWZA that's a lot of ships to risk!
- Using positions rather than points is risky, because it makes the scoring much much cruder, and also is very likely to put a flag in the position of "kingmaker", where it can decide in the final round whether to continue or drop out to allow a friendly flag the overall win. I actually think that points are more appropriate here, showing good overall performance throughout the blockade.
- The island. I really don't think this should be an event to win the island. I think there are too many scoring problems, too many potential abuses and exploits, too much incentive for people to bend the rules to get the island. As a fun "pride" event, the vagaries of the scoring and rules are acceptable, but to win the prize of an island - I just don't see it happening, even with rules changes. Obviously, this is just one opinion, and from someone who won't make the decision on it!
--Crystal 13:17, 14 February 2006 (PST)
I love all those suggestions. The one that particularly hit my attention is about the numbers of ships of the board, instead of limiting the numbers of bnavers. I could come up with a point systems, like the ships auction by example, and the total limits of ships the flag can bring to the blockade could also be counted in points. What do you think of that ?
- Lordkalvan writes: The point system from the ships auction is a great idea IMO. One limit of total points worth of ships on the board at the same time, and another of total points worth of ships that can be (used in the blockade? or perhaps total in port at the blockaded island?). Total in port is easily counted by having a judge job to the blockade crew long enough to check the docks, if the flag is using a single blockade crew. Twould be difficult if the flag is using ships in more than just one crew. Total used in the blockade would mean judges constantly keeping track of all ships entering and leaving the board by *name*, which could be a headache. --Tcarr 09:56, 17 February 2006 (PST)
- the others points is the prize. I'm really thinking hard about that and i don't see any good solution yet. It has to be interesting for the flag to enter such a expensive events. Because no kidding.. this is preparing a real blockade. I would like something that everybody could enjoy.. that's why i was thinking of a trinket.. but it sure can't be a trinket that has to be given hand to hand. I was more thinking of something automatic like the halloween trinket but i suppose it's not really something already coded in the game... So the island itself could be another idea. People really identified to their home island i think. I was wondering if maybe we could open Lima as a special event ? I don't know.. still need to think hard. --RhiannonS 09:11, 17 February 2006 (PST)
How about the right to build a shop of their choosing on Dragon's Nest or Lima? That seems like it could be a valuable prize that many flags would want to compete for. -- Bootlicker 09:47, 17 February 2006 (PST)
- Lordkalvan likes this idea. Lots of flags are willing to form an alliance to help with a blockade simply because the ally promises "when we win, ye get a shop". You could even specify the type of shop. --Tcarr 09:56, 17 February 2006 (PST)
I like this idea too.. in fact.. each time of shoppe could be attribuated in fonction of the rank.. like a shipyard (what else lol) to the first rank.. a distillery for the 2nd, and Im for the 3rd and a taylor for the 4th. That sounds really interesting to me... wonders what Artemis will say of that. Is it feasible you think Artemis ? --RhiannonS 15:57, 18 February 2006 (PST)
I think the rights to a shop (assuming they pay for commodities and labor etc - the usual caveats) is a good idea. But ONE, not four (particularly not when you're only expecting 4-8 flags to enter). Flags would be willing to turn out for the rights to a shoppe on a major island, I think. A shoppe for first place is enough. See what Artemis says. --Crystal 02:38, 21 February 2006 (PST)
Since this is on Viridian I would also recommend that the winner's be required to pay any Shoppe Doubloon plancement fee. I also agree that a shoppe on Lima or Dragon's Nest would be a very good idea. --Hawkings 12:10Pm 21 February 2006 (PST)
Hmm... Artemis consults with her Minions... --Artemis 17:20, 21 February 2006 (PST)
Forum Post?
Is there a forum post for this yet? I imagine you're waiting to hear back on prizes, but please consider posting the details of your event in the mean time so it can be linked appropriately, and people can start preparing. If there is a forum post, please link it here so I can find it. --Jacquilynne / Jasandrea 11:24, 27 February 2006 (PST)
I was waiting for my prize, but i'll post it anyway. Should do it today or tomorrow (have to post from work, no internet at home for one week)--RhiannonS 10:19, 28 February 2006 (PST)
Forum entry
Here's my forum entry. I wish i didn't forget anything.
Final Prize and Support Information
As of right now, this is the list of prizes and support I have listed for the OM's to provide for you, if anything is not correct or complete you need to get in touch with me as soon as possible, I will not around the whole weekend! Please give the OM's plenty of time to respond to any requests and speak to them in advance if at all possible, for some of you that will be more important than others. I've given a copy of the standard OM schedule to Jacquilynne as well if I'm not available.
- Prizes: Two complete shoppes on Viridian Lima (Types, names and owners should be sent to me after they're decided)
- Support: Island owner update if necessary afterwards. Should also speak with the OM onduty ahead of time just in case there's any additional support necessary. Refund of warchest. Broadcast.
--Artemis 10:11, 3 March 2006 (PST)
Is it possible to know already who is the OM on duty on saturday march 18th at 9:00 am game time so i know who i have to contact to drop a chest on lima island ? --RhiannonS 11:05, 3 March 2006 (PST)
- You'll need to find a flag to drop the chest for you, an Oceanmaster can refund the cost of that, but they can't evade the fame to drop the chest.
--Artemis 11:27, 3 March 2006 (PST)
Shouldn't be a problem. The Syndicate (my flag) still has enough fame for it. If it looses it too much, i'll make an agrement with Pay for play (they don't know yet but are good friends lol)--RhiannonS 12:45, 3 March 2006 (PST)
Mentor Question
I got this question on the forum : Im sayin if flag a, asked flag b to sink flag z's ships, so flag a could win would flag a or b be punished?
I'm not sure if it is really a bad thing or not.. and i don't think it's possible to enforce that. What do you guys think about it ?--RhiannonS 16:01, 4 March 2006 (PST)
- Lordkalvan replies: I don't see any way to prevent that kind of thing from happening, so tis easiest to just label it as doing the social puzzle (as regular blockades do!) and allow it.--Tcarr 19:40, 4 March 2006 (PST)
- Artemis replies: Aye, no way to prevent that, unfortunately, and very difficult to enforce. The social puzzle is a bit part of blockades, it's up to them to play it out well! --Artemis 06:40, 6 March 2006 (PST)
You moved the time to 2pm on Sunday which is outside of the normal blockade time, you'll want that to be noon at the latest. Also, just for future reference, the times will never be great for everyone so it's generally a good policy to stick with your first time unless there's another conflict in-game which is going to prevent a lot of people from attending. --Artemis 09:35, 7 March 2006 (PST)
- What I saw posted in YPP Events was "How about if the blockade would be on saturday 2pm game time. It gives 5pm for US East Coast, 11 pm for Europeans and sunday 9:00 am for Aussies ans Asians." That's 2pm Saturday, not Sunday. However, it is not a good idea to change times unless it just can't be helped.--Tcarr 10:58, 7 March 2006 (PST)
- Oh dear, you're right of course. *goes straight back to bed* --Artemis 11:06, 7 March 2006 (PST)
- What I saw posted in YPP Events was "How about if the blockade would be on saturday 2pm game time. It gives 5pm for US East Coast, 11 pm for Europeans and sunday 9:00 am for Aussies ans Asians." That's 2pm Saturday, not Sunday. However, it is not a good idea to change times unless it just can't be helped.--Tcarr 10:58, 7 March 2006 (PST)
- Yeah... it was only a proposition to see the reaction... but i'll stick to the original time finally--RhiannonS 15:20, 7 March 2006 (PST)
Mentor question 3 (to Artemis mostly)
Some people pointed me out that it would be pratical to be able to throw some ships out of the board if they don't respect the rules. Mostly the rules about the alliance, it could wreck the thing about the island not transfering and all. Someone told me it was possible for an OM to push boat away from the board.. so i was wondering if it would be possible to have OM assistance this day.. or some white name power like the guys that did the differents Puzzles Bake-off.--RhiannonS 20:07, 11 March 2006 (PST)
- You'll have to speak with the OM's onduty at the time (I'll be one of them, actually) if you have any problems with players or if you think you'll need someone standing by to help with this. We can't actually remove ships from the board but we can remove the people from them which is just as effective. ;) --Artemis 04:34, 12 March 2006 (PST)
Ships list (for the judges)
Spirits of Atlantis.
Grand Frigate
Stupid Eel
War Frigate
Decietful Carp
War Brig
Lazy lamprey
Hard Wrasse
Long Mummichog
Crazy Clownfish
Thick Needlefish
Stingy Haddock
Small Wrasse
Closed Sprat
Free Harmonica Lessons
War Frigs:
- Witty Mullet
- Charming Stickleback
- Half Hammerhead
War Brigs:
- Boring Marlin
- Boring Salmon
- Caring Piranha
- Advanced Hagfish
- Happy Cod
- Dedicated Clownfish
- Believable Sawfish
- Commited Lamprey
Von Grey
Well-informed Grunion
War Brig
Cold Pickerel (3)
Closed Rudd (3)
Conceited Sardine (3)
Friendly Piranha (3)
High Pike (3)
Pleasant Mummichog (3)
Rare Pike (3)
War Frigate
Hungry Mummichog (6)
Grand Frigate
Sweet Blue (12)
War Frigate
- Dangerous Puffer
- Haughty Haddock
War Brigs
- Closed Muskellunge
- Generous Sprat
- Good Puffer
- Hot Whitebait
- Lonely Sild
- Open-Minded Mako
- Synful Sunfish
- Ugly Trout
- Fascinating Pollack (mine)
- High Bass
- Unchanging Bass
- Social Bass
Dreaded Dream Makers
Heatless Silverside 1
Coarse Sawfish 1
Dedicated Herring 1
Sick Tigerfish 1
Cold Roach 1
Social Guppy 1
Old-Fashioned Muskellunge 1
Dumb Flounder 1
Fine Pike 1
Unfriendly Puffer 1
Believable Mullet 1
Pretty Sardine 1
Little Plaice 1
Dream Plaice 3
Commited Catfish 3
Cowardly Pollack 3
Big Rudd 3
Dedicated Pollack 3
Advanced Piranha 6
Aggressive Catfish 6
War Frigate
- Vicious Marlin
War Brigs
-Complicated Piranha
-Conceited Roach
-Friendly Hammerhead
-Sick Pike
-Unique Bream
-Long Angelfish
-Educated Piranha
-Small Shad
-Relaxed Marlin
-Agreed Shiner
-Attractive Angelfish
-Cheerful Herring
-Agreed stickleback
-Bright Guppy
-Stupid Herring
-Pretty sunfish
Cry Havoc
Adaptable Mullet
Caring Chub
Committed Mullet
Talented Barbel
Industrious Tuna
Friendly Plaice
Social Shad
Strange Mummichog
Aggressive Hake
Saucy Mako
Bright Barbel
Wonderful Cod
Active Blowfish
Small Eel
Plain Tigerfish
Well Dressed Trout
Wrong Tench
Lazy Herring
Reserved Tigerfish
Cowardly Tench
Cowardly Plaice
Creative Piranha
Fantastic Muskellunge
Self Centered Tigerfish
Changing Plaice
Caustic Pickerel
Loud Bass
Uninhibited Hake
Touchy Hake
Pretty Stickleback
War Frigs
Boring Muskellunge - 6 pts
Childish Shad - 6 pts
Loud Grunion - 6 pts
Strange Anchovy - 6 pts
War Brigs
Caustic Trout - 3 pts
Honest Chub - 3 pts
Narrow-Minded Tench - 3 pts
Wonderful Alewife - 3 pts
Ambitious Halibut - 1 pts
Humble Plaice - 1 pts
Young Flounder - 1 pts
Touchy Rudd - 1 pts
War brigs
Aggressive Hagfish
Big Muskellunge
Crooked Sardine
Elegant Chub
Fat Toad
Fatty Eel
Half Carp
Serious Marlin
Tricky Trout
Committed Roach
Half Halibut
Pretty Needlefish
Talkative Rudd
Nit-Picky Pickeral
Big Guppy
Good Angler
War Frig(3)
Cool Hammerhead
Pleasant Plaice
Psyched Grunion
War Brig(7)
Coarse Shad
Fat Catfish
Coarse Silverside
Hard Headed Angelfish
Lonely Carp
Narrow Minded Halibut
Funny Flounder
Free Chub
War Brigs:
Well-Known Gar(3)
Wrong Grunion(3)
Tricky Roach(3)
Reserved Cod(3)
Wrong Bluegill(3)
Enthusiastic Shad(3)
Sluggish Hagfish(3)
War Frigs:
Deceitful Sailfish(6)
Upset Needlefish(6)
Spellbinding Pike(6)
Adventurous Silverside
Caustic Gar
Cheerful Sawfish
Crabby Mako
Crazy Anchovy
Excited Needlefish
Arrogant Bullhead
Committed Bullhead
War Brigs
Adaptable Sardine
Grand Frigates
Colossal Scup
Petty Sailfish
Strange Hagfish
Choking Hazard
War Frigs
Crooked Stickleback
Nit-Picky Hagfish
Upright Cod
War Brigs
Changing Tuna
Hard Guppy
Fair Eel
Complicated Cod
Stubborn Gurnard
Dragon's Wing
High Tuna
Agreed Plaice
Snooty Spot
Infierno De Los Diablos
War Brig
fine hake
funny puffer
alone hagfish
Patient Rudd
smart shad
important points for judge
Here's the rules to check tomorrow :
-Flags are also limited on the number of ships they can have at any time on the board. Each flag can have 15 points of ship at any given time on the blockade board, including the safe zone. Any flag using more points will be immediatly disqualified.
* Sloop and cutter : 1 point * War Brig and Merch Brig : 3 points * War Frigate and Merch Galleon : 6 points * Grand Frigate: 12 points
-Each flag entering the competition must drop all their alliance before the blockade begins and during all the duration of the blockade. This is necessary to keep a good count on the ships used and the points made. Any flag failling to comply to this will be immediatly disqualified.
-At the end of each round.. we must keep track of the points made by each flag to determine their position.
Have you worked out prizes yet? I've not heard anything --Artemis 07:40, 22 March 2006 (PST)
I missed the name of the distillery shoppe. I'll send you the PM as soon as Krull answer me :) --RhiannonS 10:29, 24 March 2006 (PST)