
From YPPedia

Can anyone help me? Is it possible for me to get portraits of the alts there or no? I know alts having their own pages is frowned upon so I'd like them here, but I'm not very wiki skilled yet and if I put yes in my info box it comes as Bridal's portrait. Thanks! user:tarajayne

The pirate infobox does not have the capacity to show more than one portrait for several reasons. 1) It uses the page name to get the portrait name, as, say, Bridalgirl (Midnight) and Bridalgirl (Hunter) are two very separate people. 2) It would just look cluttered and ugly. And 3), there just isn't a whole lot of demand for it.
There are now two things you can do. If those alts have fairly extensive histories of their own, they are allowed their own pages (I believe). Or you can do this: (Result over to the right)

{{Infobox pirate

-- Thefirstdude 07:45, 28 February 2007 (PST)