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Sonny is a senior officer of the crew Truth be Told and a member of the flag Antheas on the Meridian Ocean.


Sonny came about the Viridian ocean in spring 2005. He was captain of the crews Corrupted and later Brutality but did not start out that way. He started out as an independent pirate but was then later recruited by Jonstewart into the crew Chosen True. There, he worked hard on stats and experience and later became a pirate. Then on December 9th, Jonstewart left Chosen True to create Truth be Told. Jonstewart then asked Sonny to come and Sonny happily agreed. He was one of 9 people to join right after it was made. He was made officer instantly. Later on in time his captain and life-long friend had to step down for reasons unknown. He then was made senior officer and Barbacafe was put in as captain. There he stayed for a while. Sonny also tried his hand at being captain. His first crew Born to Reign didn't go like he planned. After awhile he acquired Sinkers Inc. It didn't go smoothly either. After a while of intense planning he started Beyond the Grave. That was then put under an alt as captain. He then went on to form Seize The Night.

Sonny likes the puzzles carpenting, gunning, bilging, and treasure haul. He also likes blacksmith, and alchemistry. He also enjoys playing poker, spades, hearts, swordfighting, rumble, drinking, and treasure drop. He hates sailing, distilling, shipwrighting, and duty navigation. And he LOVES to battle navigate.


Eyepatch-Sinking on a WF in Atlantis

Hook-Sinking in a sinking blockade in a cutter a week after the eyepatch was aquired

Pegleg-Sinking on a WF in Atlantis


Ultimate Poker Player

All three injuries

Captain of a crew

Ultimate Treasure Hauler

King of a flag

Titled/Royal of a flag

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