Sinky Lovers Across Sage

From YPPedia

Sinky Lovers Across Sage is an informal list of pirates on Sage who love to play in sinking PvP sea battles.

Joining SLAS

To join SLAS, simply add your pirate's information to the list below. Note that if you join, you will receive tells from pirates looking for jobbers in sinky hunts or prearanged sinky pvps. To add your name, copy the following text:

{{UP | Pirate_Name | Swordfighting_Standing | Sailing_Standing | Carp_Standing | Bilge_Standing | Guns_Standing | Rumble_Standing | Best_Time_to_Find_You }}

<!---Pirates go below this line --->

Replace the bolded terms with your own information. Save the article, and you are on the list.

Using SLAS

If you are setting up a sinky hunt or a prearanged sinky, send a tell to pirates on the list offering them a spot. Send one tell only. Example tell: Sinky Is fun Hunting a ship from Fight Club. Sloop vs unknown ship size Pay at least 2000 poe (Always include if ye intend to pay or not.)

The List

Pirate name Puzzle standing Times online (PT)
SF Sails Carp Bilge Guns Rumble
Brendenbat Legendary Ultimate Legendary Legendary Renowned Able Noon - 7pm
Faldrok Legendary Ultimate Legendary Ultimate Grand-Master Distinguished 2-12pm
Fatewind Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Legendary Random
Fireydeath Renowned Master Able Distinguished Respected Able Random
Giselle Renowned Renowned Grand-Master Renowned Renowned Able Random
Gramps Able Respected Respected Master Distinguished Able Random
Kadazzle Grand-Master Master Legendary Grand-Master Legendary Able Random
Kasper Respected Legendary Ultimate Grand-Master Master Master Random
Lizardorb Master Master Distinguished Renowned Proficient Proficient 10am-10pm
Mdr Legendary Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Legendary Grand-Master Random
Nightninja Legendary Grand-Master Renowned Distinguished Renowned Distinguished Random
Novarius Legendary Grand-Master Master Grand-Master Grand-Master Legendary Random
Snowwhite Ultimate Ultimate Legendary Legendary Horrible Respected Random
Solder Ultimate Ultimate Legendary Ultimate Ultimate Respected Random
Spongebobby Renowned Master Master Master Respected Grand-Master Random
Stmk Distinguished Respected Distinguished Respected Distinguished Able Random
Theemperor Grand-master Distinguished Respected Renowned Distinguished Renowned Anytime
Tilinka Legendary Grandmaster Legendary Legendary Ultimate Renowned Noon - Whenever
Tuucciz Legendary Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Legendary Legendary Random
Yaruto Grand-Master Legendary Legendary Legendary Master Master Random