Shadows of Darkness

From YPPedia
For the crew previously named Shadows of Darkness, see Myrmidons Revenge.
Shadows of Darkness at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Darkhexen
Senior Officer(s) Bigbadnudist, Usagold, Usahot, Villeballa
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Hardcore Explorers
Founded 3 June, 2007
disbanded as of 20 May, 2009

Shadows of Darkness was a crew on the Sage Ocean.

Public Statement

when darkness starts falling you see the 2 shades, the first much lighter less menacing then you see the Shadows of Darkness where the true evil awaits you

Extended Public Statement

We are happy to have anyone and we are fully willing to help with anything and everything we can. Any questions please feel free to ask any of the seniors or myself. Ranking systems:

Cabin Person: just ask any officer standing member

Pirate: some skill in basic puzzles

Officer: Respected in 3 of the 4 main piracy puzzles (bilge, sails, guns, carpentry) may not run pillages by themselves. Via Fleet or Senior Officers or Captain

Fleet Officer: must have passed the b-nav test given by myself or another Senior, and have all the requirements of above, as well as trust from Seniors and Captain

Senior Officer: Must have complete trust of the majority of the Seniors and Captain. Have knowledge of the game and be able to run full pillages without other officers online