Shadows of Sage

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(Redirected from Shadow Empire)
Shadows of Sage at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Last Monarch Xzaroshey (Left Flag & joined another Crew) of Ill Omen
Member crew(s) DEBRIS, IDGAF, Ill Omen, The Parking Lot, Restless Raiders, Shadows Of Sage
Founded 28 June, 2007
Mostly dormant as of 19 February, 2012
Favicon.png Flag Info
Flags-Shadows of Sage.jpg

Shadows of Sage is currently a mostly dormant flag on the Emerald Ocean. It was founded under the name 'Shadows of Sage', renamed in December 2011 to Shadow Empire, and has reverted to its original name, Shadows of Sage.

Public statement

Some things should never change. Forever Sage.

Previously: The wheel of time turns, and ages come and go, What Was, What Will Be, and What Is, may yet fall under the Shadows

Extended public statement

Take the Glory...... Pass the Blame, What the Hell........ it's just a Game,Yeah anyone want a War? we're there for it all day long... ever run into a flag that just doesn't give a $#%&...?, well you just did !! =D

Were a tough lill bunch of nuts here. If you are afraid of blockades and wars this isn't the flag for you mate.

Welcome to the Shadow Empire

* First flag to break 100+ blockades on any single ocean
* First Flag to blockade every island on Sage

Blockade history

Blockades at a glance

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