Secrets of the Fearless

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Secrets of the Fearless at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Orquidea
Senior Officer(s) Kinga, Quigonjinn and Shipsisbeme
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Vaudevillian Veterans
Founded 8 September, 2006
Last updated on 2 June, 2024
Favicon.png Crew Info

Secrets of the Fearless is a crew that sails the Emerald Ocean. It was originally founded on the Sage Ocean. The crew currently flies the flag of Vaudevillian Veterans.


Secrets of the Fearless was founded by Hillyop, Jackski and Jackbay on 8 September, 2006. Sometime later the crew became a member crew of the flag of Superbus Haliaetos.

By August of 2007 the original crew leadership had completely changed with Quigonjinn taking over as captain. Also during this time the crew had left Superbus Haliaetos to sail under the flag of Vaudevillian Veterans.

In July 2013, Kinga was captain of the crew, and the crew politics were democratic.

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