Sea Flame

From YPPedia
Sea Flame at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Last Captain Twistedroxy (Dormant)
Senior Officer(s) Jhummel, Tiv, Weid (ALL are dormant)
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Independent
Founded 3 January, 2008
Dormant as of 15 December, 2016
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-Sea Flame.jpg

Sea Flame is an independent, hard working, dormant crew on the Meridian Ocean.


Sea Flame was founded on the 3rd of January, in 2008, on the former Viridian Ocean.

Past flag affiliations

  1. Blowin' in the Wind
  2. Razor's Edge

Captaincy history

  1. Hammerjack
  2. Twistedroxy

Public statement

We are a select group of Loyal and Trustworthy Pirates, that just like to do what we do to have Fun!!!

To the Public we seem mostly Harmless, but looks can be deceiving. We are a semi-elite band of sea mercenaries that would do the dirtiest deeds for some decent Booty!!!

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