Scorpions Of Sage

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Scorpions Of Sage at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Kimberz
Senior Officer(s) Inamorata, Jailbreaker
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Bring On The Giggles
Founded 29 August, 2007
Last updated on 27 July, 2013
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Scorpions of Sage is a crew that sails the Emerald Ocean, originally founded on the Sage Ocean, and flies the flag Bring On The Giggles.

They're now aiming to become well known on the ocean.


Scorpions of Sage was founded on 24 April, 2006 by Kimberz and Lizagna. The crew grew quite quickly and joined the flag of Notorious about two weeks from the crew's founding date.

Later the crew switched to sail under the flag of Kraken's Demise.

By July of 2007 Scorpions Of Sage had merged into Mysterious Ways.

At the end of August 2007 Kimberz remade Scorpions of Sage.

Public statement

Scorpions are back

Extended public statement

We are the scorpions and we may be small but we have a sting in our tails.

  • Oe’r Sage ocean we sail, With a sting in our tail, Seeking a booty to plunder.

We’ve brigand kings to fight, An’ We be drinkin all night, Our cannons they fire like thunder.

As we pillage all day, There be a warning they’ll say, Here be Scorpions, look on in wonder!*

- Written by Tyger of Scorpions Of Sage ^_^

If you wish to join our crew, give us a shout and we'll sort something out ^_^
