Scarjay was a pirate on the Viridian Ocean.
This scurvy dog be the man behind the Pillaging Pirates. Starting of a Navy man, he felt somehow the authorities weren't up to the task of taking out the brigands in the Viridian Ocean. Thus he decided to take matters into his own hand. After defeating a brigand brig, thinking he'd return a hero, he was relieved of his command. Embittered by the injustice inflicted on him, he decided to change sides. Casting of his civilized name, he became Scarjay. After the remainders of the bad wound he got while fighting the Brig, in order to never forget the injustice that made him turn. After jobbing, and changing crews several times, he joined the Pillaging Pirates and pillaged as an officer for some time. Then he decided it was time for a change. After a successful mutiny the ol' captain was marooned and Scarjay reorganized the crew. His tenacity and dedication make him a feared opponent. As does his ability to navigate sloops and off course his own Cutter: 'the Clever Tench'.
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