
From YPPedia
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Saphykun was once an independent pirate on the Hunter Ocean. Out of all stations, she preferred Carpentry, followed by Sailing and Bilging. She also liked to talk while performing a duty station, often giving her a lower performance level in the duty report. She has no tolerance when it comes to her decreased standing in Sailing and could care less if bilge is full in a ship. She was still learning how to fill four cannons in less than a minute and how to run a ship without getting hit by cannons.

Contributions and awards


Saphykun first joined in April with little knowledge of how to get about. She easily got frustrated when she was forced to sail and even more so when ordered to perform Carpentry. She preferred to bilge which was a popular duty station, even now.

When Saphykun joined her first crew, she stayed as cabin person for a couple of months before being promoted to pirate. Then she left and experimented with crews until she settled down with the flag, Dangerous Liaisons. There, she got promoted to various levels of pirating, ranging from cabin person to senior officer.


  • Triumph over a sea lord vessel.
  • Obtain her own ship (preferably a sloop or longship).