Rusty Nuts Unite

From YPPedia
Rusty Nuts Unite at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Monarch Souwester of Southern Cross
Member crew(s) Kiss My Arrr's, Look at Moi, Pirates of Doom, Southern Cross
Founded 8 October, 2008
Dormant or disbanded as of 19 February, 2011
Favicon.png Flag Info

Rusty Nuts Unite was a flag on the Viridian Ocean.

Public Statement

We are Rusty. You are Nuts. Together we Unite.

Extended Public Statement

A gathering of nuts from all over the world!! We were founded by several rusty nuts, including Cherog, Gingertipsy, Mistypetal, Pollywanna and Souwester,with the help of a not so rusty nut, Venst.

Rusty Nuts Unite is largely a trading flag, but we also love to pilly. If you are looking for war you have come to the wrong place....but if you are looking for fun you found it!! Flag events will be ongoing, and suggestions are welcome from all.

If you would like to join us please contact a Royal.

Our policy on Royal and Titled positions are:

Founding Crews - 2 Royals + 2 Titled,

50+ Members - 2 Royals + 2 Titled,

30+ Members - 1 Royal + 2 Titled,

15+ Members - 1 Royal + 1 Titled.

New Crews will have to be here at least a week before any Titles/Royalty are given.