Roar of thunder

From YPPedia
Roar of thunder at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Captain Auzziemoo
Senior Officer(s) Capnrobofish, Figwit, Matthardy, Captainahard
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Stupidity
Founded 20 May, 2008
Dormant or disbanded as of 14 August, 2008

Roar of thunder was a crew on the Midnight Ocean. The crew's last known flag was Stupidity. Its captain was Auzziemoo.


We're a crew that doesn't play around. If you think we'll give you a spot as officer with the skills of a noob, think again!

We are trying to find good crews who want to join our flag, Stupidity.

We are new and a bit small but we are a force to be recon with!

For further info just send a tell to any of our senior officers or the captain.