River of Blood

From YPPedia
River of Blood at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Captain Shoescooter
Senior Officer(s) Darkerik, Fortytwo, Iamiami, Lovelie, Obit
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Klingon Empire
Founded 23 March, 2007
merged as of 19 May, 2009
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River of Blood WAS a crew that sailed the Midnight Ocean. This crew has now merged back with the other crew within the same flag of "Klingon Warriors" All member of this flag (apart from the captain (who is currently under consideration for promotion)) had retained there ranks within "Klingon Warriors"


River of Blood was formed in the year 2007 on March 23rd. Shoescooter, Darkeric, Lovelie and Iamiami were the founding members of this strongly united crew. Since then many well versed pirates have joined this particular crew to make it as securely established as it is to this present day.

In the very beginning, the founding members of the crew were actually part of the fellow flag crew Klingon Warriors. However, to stop there being a large single crew and therefore disallowing the expansion of the flag, these bold pioneers started another crew within the flag.

Very shortly after this, Obit joined the crew , similarly from a Klingon Warriors background. Despite having joined a short while after the creation of the crew she is also viewed as a founding member of the crew, hence she joined the ranks of the fellow senior officers. You can be rest assured that only trusted members of the crew ever reach the dizzy heights of Senior Officer.

The latest addition to this elite family is that of Fortytwo. He has managed to work his way swiftly up through the ranks within this crew, within a matter of months has become thought of a strong pirate and was granted the privilege of senior officer rank. He is always willing to help his crew mates and, he offers his skills to the crew in any situation that they are required.

The Oceans Perspective

The crew is a highly active crew, having members across time zones and remains within the top 25 active crews. The crew is rapidly gaining prestige across the ocean, known for its participation in activities such as blockades and battling sea monsters.

Plans for the Future

As for the future? Well, the Crew is aiming to build up a foundation of experience in all aspects of Pirating. The crew hopes to grow to such a point that it has the power and ability to grasp a small piece of the Ocean as it did in the not too distant past with Winter Solstice.

There are no plans for "ocean conquest" but just a place to call home. A place to be friends.