Ritzer is senior officer of the crew The Remnant and a member of the flag Critical Mass. He is a lieutenant commander in the Wensleydale Navy in the Gull Archipelago and sails the Sage Ocean. He started playing in 2005.
In this time he has gone through three pirates though only two of them were for a notable length of time. The first of these pirates was Ritzer, he was captain of the League of piratism (disbanded) and a member of the flag The black pearl. He owned only one sloop which was the Innocent Lamprey. After a while he had to leave Puzzle Pirates for a few months and when he returned he decided to start again with a clean state, so he took his one ship, the Innocent Lamprey ,and tried his second pirate, Ritzar however when school began to take its toll on him he again left for months at a time.
When he returned he left the Cobalt Ocean and his past behind and began completely anew on the Sage Ocean, the doubloon ocean suited his busy lifestyle, it was on this ocean he joined the crew The Remnant which is ruled by Fivestars and has been happy to be free of the captain responsibilities that were upon him as a captain. However, in a position of officer he was able to continue to guide and help the newer members of The Remnant. He is currently a senior officer in The Remnant and a member of the flag Critical Mass under the ruling monarchy of Barbarybetty and is often seen pillaging the high seas with his good friend Fattyhaha or at the poker tables with his good friend Ambriech as well as this he runs an iron monger stall on Wensleydale.
Well known for his gentler hand in leading things and his disapproval of authoritative and strict regime's, as well as his quick mood changes if things begin to get him down however his high optimism and positive outlook makes this a rare occurrence.