
From YPPedia
RedBull at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Joejoey
Senior Officer(s) Flangodango
Politics Democratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Dawn of the Sea
Founded 17 February, 2009
Dormant as of 21 January, 2011
Favicon.png Crew Info

RedBull is a crew on the Viridian Ocean founded by its captain Joejoey and Flangodango on Feburuary 17th, 2009.

Public Statement

RedBull gives you wings!!!!

Extended Public Statement



CP: there are no Cabin persons ever. Pirate: you automatically get pirate.. Officer: you need to have respected/distinguished Battle naving. F.O: you must have knowledge of how to run a pilly, and have master in Battle naving be trusted by all S.Os and the Captain. S.O: You need to be in the crew for a while be trused by the captain and S.Os and have master in B nav and have knowledge of how to run a crew.



This crew isnt like most crews. we like to have a little more fun than all those other crews.



Be respectful to others. if you steal from a boat you get a demotion. if you sail a boat without permission you get a demotion. You need to ask for PTB (permission to board) a sloop. If an officer or higher tells you to do something you Have to do it. If you abuse powers by expelling crew members for fun or without permission you will be either demoted or expelled. And Do NOT give orders to a rank higher than you!!!!

WE are currently looking for officers and higher!!!! Ask. joejoey, piratefry, or flangodango to join!!

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