
From YPPedia

Rangoo, or known as "rang" to his friends is a new, but skillful pirate. He is currently in the crew Desolation on the Viridian Ocean.


  • Fleet officer in the crew Desolation
  • Grand-Master forage on the 28/6/2010 but soon lost it 2 days later.


He currently lives in His Row house on Lima island. He loves to Forage and do Rigging. Some of his Friends include: Xxalxx, Bulldogs, Crazyian, Itzy, Shyneygurl and Banon. Rangoo likes to chat with his crew and loves getting jobbed for SMH's and CI.

"I Havnt Quite figured out how to make millions yet but when i do im going to get a Red Monkey and call it Rangoo Jr. & a Kark and call it Mr. Crabs."