
From YPPedia
Premonition at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Lazzuullii
Senior Officer(s) Sleddie
Politics Autocratic
Shares Crew Loyalty
Flag Affiliation Saints and Sinners
Founded 21 November, 2009
disbanded as of 22 August, 2010
Favicon.png Crew Info

The crew Premonition was founded on November 21st,2009 by Lazzuullii. He continues to captain the crew. The Crew flys the flag Saints and Sinners

Public Statement

The Premonition has been forseen, continue to ignore its exsistence and your demise will be imminent

Extended Public Statement


We are only a few weeks old but we stand strong, For we have forseen the demise of the oceans economy and have saved up for the coming storm. We are Premonition, you may join us if you wish.

Ranks are based off of trust and loyalty rather then skills and ships, you won't be promoted straight to fleet officer, and only the lucky become officer right when joining, the rank of senior officer is reserved for loyal officers who have months and sometimes even years of expereince. We may have strict promotion criteria, but do not say you were not warned.

Ranks are only known by the captain and senior officers, do not ask for fleet officer straight after joining.

Ships for Crew Use

Ships may or may not be unlocked depending on our flag's wars, the captain will try to keep his fleet unlocked but situations change and ill winds blow frequently.

Some senior officers have ships and may or may not keep ships unlocked depending on their policies

Crew Stalls

We do operate stalls and shoppes to aid crew and flag supply. Some stall owners do offer discounts on cbs and rum for ships, others offer these on ships and clothes.

~List of stalls

Lazzuullii's Iron Stall on Lima, 15/30/45

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