Pizza Pirates

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Pizza Pirates at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Lrgpepperoni
Senior Officer(s) Deepdish
Organization All SOs and Captain hold equal weight
Politics Democratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Independent
Founded 7 August, 2006
dormant as of 21 May, 2009

Pizza Pirates is an independent crew that sails the Sage Ocean.


Pizza Pirates have been delivering up saucy piracy since its founding on 7 August, 2006. It was founded to give pirates that love pizza a place to talk about their passion while they pillage.

Pizza Pirates have began their pillaging campaign with a sloop, a cutter and an ironworking stall (Lrgpeperoni's Ironworking Stall on Descartes Isle).

By June of 2007 Deepdish had stepped down as captain and promoted Lrgpepperoni to take his place.

Public Statement

We will empty yer hold in 30 minutes or less, or the next pilly is free!

We be the Pizza Pirates, the food revolution is upon us, join us and join the sauciest buccaneers on this ocean. WE ARE ACCEPTING NEW OFFICERS/SHIPS BY INVITATION ONLY!

If you are a top notch sailor, you can ask to be a pizza pirate... if you nag on us however, we will show ya the plank.

Mission Statement

  1. Swashbuckling integrety and good pillage times will keep this crew sucsessful, giving away free cannonballs to all other ships in the sea(at high velocity) lets them know that the Pizza Pirates Want to make your hold happy... by taking all the stuff in it that is weighing it down.
  2. If Pizza Pirates can't empty yer hold in 15 minutes or less, the next plundering is free! How many other crews offer that?
  3. A good Gunner and a good will make your crew the best they can be, exceptional gunners and Navigators always get an extra share!
  4. Communication is critical, all Officers and above will be on the piratey ventrilo, the key to a good pilly is a crew that is on the same page, and of course rum... lots of rum.

Crew Motto

Pillage till the sails FALL OFF!

Open yer hold mates, it's Pizza Pirates!

Crew Articles

  1. Great bnav and great gunning ALWAYS get +1 share.
  2. If we cant empty yer hold in 15 minutes or less, yer next pillage is free
  3. If ye be an alt, ye gotta have a pizzalicious name to be more than a cabinperson.
  4. Buy from crew and flag shopes! and use yer labor for our greater good

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