Phoenix Ascension
Phoenix Ascension at a Glance | |
Meridian Ocean | |
Captain | Alise |
Senior Officer(s) | Ampersand (Dormant), Bgrimm (Dormant), Celticanya-West (Dormant), Crazydadda, Domt (Dormant), Grendore (Dormant), Griffen, Joeb (Dormant), Messa (Dormant), Saltypaws, Thorkill, Tomos-West (Dormant), Vannevar (Dormant), Wwenchy (Dormant), Zarquon (Dormant), Zeffie (Dormant) |
Politics | Autocratic |
Shares | Even |
Flag Affiliation | Lighthouse Beacon |
Founded | 10 September, 2010 |
Last updated on 14 November, 2016 | |
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Phoenix Ascension is a crew that sails on the Meridian Ocean, formerly the Malachite Ocean.
Phoenix Ascension was founded on Malachite Ocean on December 21, 2008. Two days later it founded the flag "Lighthouse Beacon", which is consistently in the top 5 most active flags. Although it was originally a small crew, it has grown to a size of over 100 committed members. Within this time, the crew has also gained Illustrious crew fame and is consistantly in the top 5 crews on Malachite. Members are known to wear a fashionable Maroon and Aqua combination, although crew colors are worn voluntarily.
Phoenix Ascension was not always known as "Phoenix Ascension". It was originally known by the name "Shining Sabers" led by the Captain "Mrlepirate". Mrle eventually left the crew and a Senior Officer, Glorius, was given the Captain spot. Glorius later decided to switch the crew name to Phoenix Ascension. Glorius soon became inactive January 1st, and went MIA to circumstances no one knows of. The current Senior Officers then were Saltypaws, Alise, Almontscourt, Ampersand, Lewwyn, and Mrlepirate (after returning).
The crew then had to decide which direction to take, realizing they were in a stuck position with their crew and flag, Lighthouse Beacon (which Glorius had created before going inactive, leaving Saltypaws the only active Royal). The Senior Officers came together and decided to pursue their crew/flag without Glorius, but leaving him a spot well known in their hearts. The crew, after re-establishing themselves, improved their stats, heavily recruited, and formed a solid base while recruiting crews into the Flag.
After a time, when the crew was steady, an Senior Officer change was made to accommodate the newly changed crew. Almontscourt, Ampersand, and Mrlepirate were dropped for Bunnyspawn, Hissy, and Gallo. Alise was ranked up to Captain, so now the crew is run with a steady hand.
Glorius has returned recently and now plays actively with Phoenix Ascension. He decided to step down to Fleet Officer and does not plan to take over leadership over the flag and/or crew. He feels that Saltypaws and Alise have spent a lot of effort into making this crew how it is and does not feel it would be right for him to take leadership away.
After showing considerable loyality and support to the crew, Bren and Glorius were promoted to Senior Officer. The crew is showing more interest in blockades and flotillas.
Public statement
ALWAYS ask "PTB" (Permission To Board), before you board a ship by typing in crew chat "PTB & name of ship."
The Below Requirements DO NOT INCLUDE SF, TH or Rumble. Cabin Person=Ask to Join. Pirate=2 Distinguished or 1 Respected. Officer=Distinguished BNAV & 3 Dist and/or Resp Stats & Responsible enough to lead pilly. Fleet Officer=Master BNAV & 2 other Master Stats & Trust of 3 SO's (tenure in crew helps). Senior Officer=Chosen by Captain & Other SO's. Exceptions occasionally made at discretion of Cap & SO's.
- A player must complete the "Learn to" mission in the corresponding puzzle (or do it on a voyage) to get a mission to Bilge, Sail, or do Carpentry with the navy.
- Apprentice experience in Bilging, Sailing/Rigging and Carpentry are required to get the mission to Gun with the navy.
- In order to get the mission to Navigate With the Navy, a player must own a pirate or higher rank badge and have experience of Broad or higher in Bilging, Sailing, Carpentry, and Gunning.
- To get the mission to Defeat Brigands (battle navigate with the navy), a player must have a pirate badge or higher and must have Narrow experience in Navigation.
"EXPerience" = Novice > Neophyte > Apprentice > Narrow > Broad > Solid > Weighty > Expert > Paragon > Illustrious > Sublime>Revered>Exalted>Transcendent
"RANKing" = Able > Proficient>Distinguished > Respected > Master > Renowned > Grand-Master > Legendary > Ultimate
- PILLY MAXING INFO Cannonball (Small/ Medium/Large)
Sloop (6/4/3) ; Cutter (7.5/5/3.75) ; Dhow (7.5/5/3.75) ; Longship (10/7/4.5) ; Merch.Brig (12/8/6) ; Baglah (12/8/6) ; War Brig (15/10/7.5) ; Merch.Gall (18/12/9) ; Xebec (21/14/10.5) ; War Frig (30/20/15) ; Grand Frig (36/24/18).
There are many different score on ramming damage, depending on the other ship "size", for example for sloop pilly u will get damage by "0.5" if u ram on sloop, cutter, dhow, longship; And get "1" damage if u ram on merchant brig and baglah; "2" on war brig. "2.5" on merchant galleon and xebec; "3" on war frig; "4" on grand frig.
Fame is a measurement of a crew or flag's activity. When a pirate plays a puzzle, the pirate's crew and flag both receive credit towards their fame. If the pirate is jobbing, the pirate's own crew/flag and not the crew/flag they are jobbed into receives the credit for the activity. There are, from lowest to highest, eight levels of fame: Aspiring > Rumored > Noted > Established > Renowned > Celebrated > Eminent > Illustrious Your pillages help us get a better rank on our "Crew Fame".
The Crew Chart Ship is on Chelydra (Flipped-Out Flounder). Please place your duplicate charts on that ship & all Officers can take chart as needed.