Personal Design Studio

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ATTENTION: This application is a defunct third party tool.
This is a defunct third party tool. This means that it no longer works and/or is broken.
It has been developed independently by a Puzzle Pirate player(s). It is not created, supported, or endorsed by Three Rings or Grey Havens.
Players use third party tools at their own risk. For a full list of third-party tools, see this category list.
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The Personal Design Studio makes outfit design easy.

Quid Pro Clothes hosts Personal Design Studio, a tool for mixing and matching apparel into outfit designs, visualizing how those designs look on a pirate, and sharing designs so that other pirates can view them and try them on. Freely available to pirates on all production oceans, the Personal Design Studio fulfills a unique need experienced by many a clothes-shopping pirate: that of being able to see how they will look in a particular set of apparel before they place an order, even if they cannot find a rack that has the items for them to try on.

The Personal Design Studio has allowed pirates to share exciting and creative fashion designs, try out different crew colors and uniforms, maintain "wish lists" of outfits they will someday buy, and explore exotic and expensive outfits that perhaps they will never be able to experience otherwise.

Personal Design Studio is a third-party website. Registration for the site is completely separate from Puzzle Pirates.

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