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Panties is a pirate on the Sage Ocean.

Contributions and Accomplishments


Panties began playing Puzzle Pirates in late November of 2008. She joined the crew The Gods of Sea on November 30th, during a flotilla. The same day, she stole a sloop from a pirate named Sou. Panties currently shares a house with the pirate Poppins, among other things. By December 2nd, she was promoted to the rank of pirate in The Gods of Sea crew. However, on December 12th, she left with Kazza, to join her new crew, Dangerous Obsession. Panties is currently ranked as an officer of the crew Dangerous Obsession, and is a member of the flag Ultimate Sagefire. She is also ranked as a lieutenant commander in the Descartes Isle Navy in the Pelican Archipelago.