New Age Piranhas

From YPPedia
New Age Piranhas at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Kaothika
Senior Officer(s) Androo, Brookiebaby, Yohohoho
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobbers Delight
Flag Affiliation Damascus Steel
Founded 14 September, 2007
disbanded or merged as of 19 May, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-New Age Piranhas.jpg

New Age Piranhas was a crew on the Viridian Ocean, founded as "Evil-Kaothik Piranhas" after its captain re-named it.

NA Piranhas liked to pilly, run flotillas and SMH and all that had to do with having fun with crew and flag members. They were, above all, very good hearties.

On August 26th of 2008, the crew Stir-Fry Puppies merged with NA Piranhas.

Public Statement

Always looking for active and loyal members to join the Crew. Please contact Kaothika or Senior Officers to apply for the job.

Extended Public Statement

New time, new thoughts, new winds that moove our sails ... New Age comes.


1.- Crew members must READ STATEMENTS, agree and follow them.

2.- Jobbers, Cabins and Pirates must respect and obbey Officers orders.

3.- Officers must respect and help Jobbers, Cabins and Pirates.

4.- All ships must be UNLOCKED and STOCKED. Ye can leave your vessel locked if ye have a good reason, like having expensive commodities on hole. --------- Make sure ye use the vessel bulletin to give your personal instructions for using your vessel. If ye are OIC on a ship ye don't own, please read vessel bulletin before doing anything else!

5.- Officer In Charge (OIC) of a pilly, is the only one allowed to turn, sail, post job offer, divide booty, etc If OIC needs help, will tell ye.

6.- If ye loose a ship, you pay it back. If ye leave a ship on an uncolonized island, ye pay the owner a Whisking Potion. If ye leave a vessel abandoned at sea, most of the stock will be loose, and ye will have to stock back.

7.- BOOTY DIVISION is not optional. You are ALWAYS FORZED TO DIVIDE.

8.- NEVER allowed to go on a pillage on your own. Always get crew members aboard or jobbing pirates.


- Everyone starts from Pirate, we don't use Cabin rank.

- Anyone who shows dedication, loyalty and support crew pillys will soon be promoted.

- Please don't repeatedly ask for promotions as it will not help your cause. We know when someone deserves a promotion. The more ye ask for it, the worse.

- Ye can be demoted if you don't follow Basic Rules.

CAPTAIN AND SENIOR OFFICERS ARE ALWAYS AVAILABLE for suggestions and anything ye may need, don't hesitate to ask.

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