National Treasure

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National Treasure at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Unknown
Senior Officer(s) None
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation The Armada of Angels
Founded 9 March, 2006
Dormant or disbanded as of 22 October, 2006

Public Statement

Hello there! This is a crew that any body is welcome to join! We will always invite ye if you'd like! Also, just incase ye were interested, our crew colors are Maroon and Grey, wear 'em proud!

Crew Rules

  1. Be courteous to yer fellow crew mates no matter what rank of pirate ye may be.
  2. When we are in sea battle, always try yer best! (Please team up, if you don't know how, just ask!)
  3. Please, if you don't like some one else on the crew, just leave them be, we are not looking for any kind of drama aboard.(if ye must say something, do not curse!)
  4. Always follow these rules, and if ye have any questions, feel free to ask!
  5. HAVE FUN!

Promotion Requirements

Promotions are fun to have if ye have what it takes for it, ye got it!

Cabin Person: Just ask to join!

Pirate: Any one can be one.

Officer: You must have broads or above on all piracy stats, (except Rumbling & Swordfighting) & must trust with the crew.

Fleet Officer: You must have 1 solid, and the rest broad or higher on all piracy stats (except Rumbling and Swordfighting), and must have trust with the crew.

Senior Officer: You must have 2 solids, and the rest broad or above on yer piracy stats (except Rumbling and Swordfighting). And must have great trust with me, and my other Senior Officers along with the crew.