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Murderme is senior officer and carpenter of the crew Clever Little Bandits and a member of the flag Dead Man's Legend. He is a lieutenant in the Admiral Island Navy in the Gull Archipelago and sails the Sage Ocean.


Murderme started on May 5th 2004 on the Sage Ocean. He started as cabin person in a crew called the Ninja Pirate Monkeys. He then made his way up to pirate with the help of Greenfish, Graevyn, and Half. Murderme left the crew to join other different crews for more experience and to learn how to be a great pirate. He made a lot of friends like Starquant, Backoon, Correll, and Killerqueen. He finally joined the crew that he was looking for, the Clever Little Bandits. There he was introduced by the captain Karlinda and has been learning lots of new things from then on. He has made new friends, Greivious, Deveron, Crod, and Pyromainiac. He was first ranked pirate and made his way to senior officer with the help of his crew.


He spends most of his time playing poker but a lot of times helping his crew pillage. You could only ask him to do carpentry because that's the only thing that he's good at. He also enjoys sea monster hunting and blockading. Murderme sometimes play swordfighting and rumbling if he gets really bored. Other times he would wander the seas pillying with his other old crews he was at before.


Achieved the jinxed idol trophy, incredible Carpentry, Sailing, and Treasure Haul.