Moonlit Pillagers

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Moonlit Pillagers at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Yukki
Senior Officer(s) Allibirdy, Herakles, Nymphetamine
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Fatal Dreams
Founded 20 September, 2006
Dormant or disbanded as of 30 July, 2008
Favicon.png Crew Info

Moonlit Pillagers wass a crew that sailed the Viridian Ocean. The crew flew the flag of Fatal Dreams.

History of Moonlit Pillagers

Moonlit Pillagers was founded on 20 September, 2006.

For a while Moonlit Pillagers sailed under the flag Deadly Reunion but eventually switched to become a member crew of Fatal Dreams

Extended Public Statement This ish a crew created for and by a few friends so have funn!!. If yer lookin for a place to easily become an officer to sail yer new ship, this ish the place for joo! :) Right now me ish curently looking for anyone willing to join my little and humble crew, so if joo think joo have what it takes for a certain rank let me know and we'll see if we can work something out. This is one of the laziest, smexiest, awesomest, craziest, and dock tartiest crews in viridian, trust meh! xD Well what are you waiting for, come and join us! We are a very crazy crew who lickz, hugz, pokez, bitez, eatz, dock tartz, and hate doing hwk!! :O So come join us, I know you want to! ;) We also act like animals :o Rising acts like a cow and Allibirdy as a fish! xD and apparently we have a few cats in here too.. Meow! :O If yuh wanna docktart, ask Alli, she LOVES to docktart ;D ~Crew colours~ they ish maroon :O ~Promotions~ Cabin person: Just ask one of our caring and kind officers to send joo the full membership invite! :) Pirate: Have teh pirate badge which is 1 dub at the palace shoppe and have at least a distinguished in gunning! :o Officer: Have the officer badge which is 8 dubs at the palace shoppe and have 1 broads, 1 solid, 2 masters, half distinguished in battle navigation and be good at gunning :O Fleet Officer: My trust, not to mention an officer badge which is 8 dubs at the palace shoppe too. Also 2 solids 1 broad, 2 masters, half respected in battle navigation and ocean-wide master or above in gunning. Also own a shippeh or more! o.o Senior Officer: My COMPLETE trust. Have a senior officer badge which is 10 dubs at the palace shoppe. Also have 2 solids 1 weighty, 1 expert, 2 renowned. And have at least master in battle navigation and master in gunning. Also own the deed to 1 ship or more! :) Captain: Wait in line or start your own crew! (Starting own crew will require a captains badge, deed to a ship, and 10 dubs to start it!) ;) As for private statements, they ish very crazy :O you never know whats on em and you won't know till you join! :o So quick! whatcha waiting forr?!?! come and ask one of our officers to invite you to teh crew! :O We'll be waitingg!! :D

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