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Mogor as Rogom is an officer of the crew Dyed-in-the-Wool on the Hunter Ocean.


Mogor is a pirate, who has been around for awhile. He started off the tadpole express on the Cobalt Ocean and moved over to Viridian when his greenie period was over. He then joined the crew Brotherhood of Steel, in which he recieved his officer training and grew in naving experience and leadership ability. He then left the crew to try his hand at captaincy and had many different results, starting with the crew Transcendent, which was then abandoned when he moved back to BoS with the majority of his crew mates. Later on he left once more to join Odin's Demise, in which he had made many hearties and was granted officer status. Mogor stayed with Odin's Demise through several wars and was privileged to sink a ship, while naving a Go Bearrrrrs sloop.

Later on he left to try captaincy once more. This time he founded the crew Pirate's Transcendent and grew the crew to over 100+ members. He then through a series of mergers with "The flying ace's" and "The Maelstrom" ended up in the flag "Pay for Play" as captain of the Maelstrom and remained there for a time. The Maelstrom at its best was a top ten active crew with over 200 members in it, then through a series of real life issue's and in game issue's, Mogor gave up captaincy of the Maelstrom and went back to crew hopping for a time with Miser and also founded a number of small crews such as The Maelstrom .He also enjoyed a brief spree with owning a shipyard on Terra Island, by the name of Ninth Circle Frigates. Mogor has also served as a royalty member in the flag play for pay